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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Product Stewards and EH&S IT experts from more than 60 Process Manufacturers gathered in Konstanz, Germany, on Oct 15-16. Succeeding the renowned Chemical Compliance Customer Conference (C4You), it is the seventh year in which experts for product safety and stewardship from a wide range of chemicals-related industries met to exchange information and share insights. Here are some key take aways from the event:

Ø Product Safety is more than control of chemical risks: Product Integrity comprising Quality Assurance and Chemical Compliance along global supply chains help to grow business with confidence while managing Product Risks

Ø Need to integrate chemical compliance checks into business operations: Shell showed how they realized compliant Procurement using SAP REACH Compliance, BASF presented how they adapt Chemical regulations to safeguard global marketability of chemical products by integrating SAP EH&S with SAP GTS.

Ø Insight into SAP Product Innovations: EHS Regulatory Documentation (this is a Cloud based content service that comprises classification and creation of Safety data Sheets and Label Content and it was presented jointly with customer Ineos Melamines), Availability of EHS Regulatory Content for Transportation Management, Outlook on Enhancement Pack 7 (extension of Labelling solution), presentation of recent Customer Connection related to EH&S-PS, Product Stewardship Network (introduced by customer Weidmüller from a Downstream User perspective).

Ø Exposure Scenarios are the next big thing regarding REACH: Henkel spoke about XML standard for electronic exchange of Exposure Scenarios, Exposure Scenario creation for mixtures was presented by Lubrizol.

Ø Migration to SAP EHS Regulatory Content is possible at reasonable effort: Project experience from Clariant

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