2016 May 24 7:35 AM
Hello Members,
I have a query regarding VMS actions visible for a selected model under Action Tab in VELO Transactions.
I understand that actions which are appropriate for a vehicle will be visible under Action Tab in VELO transaction which are defined in Primary and Secondary Matrix. Vehicle is assigned in VELOS, VMS roles assigned in VELORM. Standard screen and program also assigned in configuration against these actions.
However when I select a model in VELO transaction and navigates to Action tab, I could not see CRE1 and other defined action in the drop down option which are defined in matrix. Instead of this, I can view actions defined in other primary and secondary matrix is not mapped in Control data - Define Action Control and Define Action Matrix.
Does any members have come across this behaviour in past. Appreciate if members can comment on above.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
2016 May 24 12:30 PM
Hi RB,
Have you assigned action matrix to model/ vehicle material in VELOS? also check VELORU transaction if you have assigned the sap userid to vms roles
2016 May 24 12:30 PM
Hi RB,
Have you assigned action matrix to model/ vehicle material in VELOS? also check VELORU transaction if you have assigned the sap userid to vms roles
2016 May 24 2:56 PM
Hi Ganesh,
All prerequisite like VELORU/ELORM/VELOS are being maintained in system.
Also screens and program are been mapped with actions.
Why still possible allowed actions are not visible in Action Tab under Actions?
Prompt response is highly appreciated.
2016 May 24 4:13 PM
Hello All,
After analysis found issue in FM - VELO03_GET_POSSIBLE_ACTIONS.