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The SAP Inside Track (SIT) São Paulo 2010 took place last friday (10/Sep/2010). As a participant and speaker I want to share how I spent the day and some impressions of the event.

First, I had to travel from Rio de Janeiro to São Paulo. This meant: wake up at 5am to catch my flight at 6:42 from SDU to CGH and arrive at SIT at 8:15, just in time for the continental breakfast. Coffee at last. Well, sort of.

The SIT took place at the SAP building, so we had an excellent infrastructure. The first attendees arrived and got their badge and the presenters a special shirt (thanks to the sponser!). This was a great idea, everybody could identify a speaker at first sight to start with him a conversation.

With a slightly delay the SIT kicked off with Marcelo's keynote were he talked about SCN and the SAP Mentor initiative. Our SIT was divided in 2 tracks: SDN and BPX. We had to skip #101 and #201, so the SIT really started with the live transmissions of #102 (C5 report) and I switched over to the BPX session #202 and learned more about a new initiative that will start soon in Brazil. Afterwards, I headed over to session #103. As I was the presenter of #103 I couldn't assist #203 (btw: are there any recordings available?). Giving a presentation put me in a unique position:
I was not only able to share my views, but also receive valuable feedback from the audience. Judging from their reaction, my views on the topic are shared.

After the lunch break I attended #105 (sorry Leonardo, #205 ABAP development is not my area) and learned how SAP is interpreting SOA. I than switched back to BPX for #206 and learned about a really interessting SAP product: SAP MII. What can I say: everybody wanted to start working with SAP MII! I missed #107, #207 and #108 because I had a conversation with Marlo and Henrique. We also discussed the next events and who will go to TechED Las Vegas. The last presentation was #208. After all the technical and functional aspects you could learn how to realize an SAP project. Together with #207, #208 made a perfect ending of the SIT São Paulo.

The network evening led us to Morumbi Shopping and dose dupla -> let's just say, it was a nice network event.

As I had to get back to Rio, Henrique was so nice to drive me to the Metro and I catched my bus from SP to Rio at 23:30 and arrived at home at 7 am. After being on the road for 26 hours, sleep finally. And when you think that with my ~800 km I was the person that travelled the most: no.

My top 3 (in no particular order)
- #204: SAP Mobile
- #206: SAP MII
- #208: Gerenciamento de projetos
For someone that presented an SDN track it might look strange that my favorites are from the BPX track. But that's what SIT is about: to broaden your horizon.

Best description that fits this SIT: it's a small world

That 2 SAP Mentors were present (Marcelo and Leonardo) gave the Inside Track a nice touch: You could see that the Brazil SCN community is taken serious. And I'm sure that their presence will lead to even more participation in SCN and future Inside Tracks here in Brazil.

What's next? To not loose momentum, I encourage all participants to connect themself via linkedin and twitter so we can stay in touch. Some of the participants will go to TechED. We have to meet us there! The next SIT is in the planning phase and will be in Rio de Janeiro.