A Few days ago I posted the Blog Community Day Brazil 2009 - The Negotiations where I talked about the event and the negotiation on date and place.
Even without a venue and date confirmed, more than 80 people added their names to the list of interested also I received 9 lectures suggestions.
The SAP suggestion
I was convinced that the event would happen in the end of April when Mark Finnernn and Fernando Corbi called and gave me the following news: "SAP Brazil is suggesting the date of March, 5th, so we can have
presentation by Singh Mecker, VP of SW Developer Partners."
The Sessions
Shortly after hanging up the phone I spoke with all speakers and unfortunately We had 3 sessions canceled and 6 session confirmed:
- SAP executive keynote by Singh Mecker,
- SAP NetWeaver technology Overview by Rogério Tambellini, Bruno Ambrózio and Eduardo De Angeli.
- SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (XI / PI) Overview by Rogério Tambellini.
- Web Dynpro ABAP vs Web Dynpro Java - How to help you to choose by Flávio Luis da Silva Mendes.
- The Pragmatic Programmer Applied to ABAP Development by Bruno Lucattelli.
- NWDI by Marlo J. P. Simon.
All attendees can suggest and take your own session. If you have any knowledge and would like to share with others attendees just click here and inform the session information you are interested in.
The Debates
Debates will take place in parallel with sessions and all attendees are invited to join in. If you have any useful ideas or suggestions and would like to talk to others attendees just click here.
The Date
The Community Day Brazil 09 will take place on Thursday, March 5, 2009.
The Place
SAP Auditorium, located in the SAP Office, in São Paulo.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.171 - 7º floor Hours: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
How to Participate
There is not entrance fee, so all are invited to participate, for that click here and inform your contact information.
I am convinced that it will be a great event and for sure will be a pleasure to meet Singh Mecke there.
Attendee Buzz
Community Day Lima
I was the main organizer of the event. It's was a great day to share knowledge, sessions, collaboration and meet new people. Local Community Day's are the best way to get engaged with the Community and make a difference inside the SAP World. by Alvaro "Blag" Tejada Galindo from Lima, Perú.
SDN Day Las Vegas 2006/2007/2008,
SDN Day Amsterdam 2007,
SDN Day Berlin 2008 ...
- Well, that SDN/SCN Day is the best of the whole SAPTechEd...
- That like minded people are there to network and share ideas with only collaboration in mind...
- That un-conference mode where things are more relaxed and less formal...
- That is a great opportunity to meet very interesting people..
by Leonardo De Araujo "a lost Brazilian in Canada"
If you've already participated of SAP Community Day I would be happy to received from you a positive feedback, so please put here your Name, Company, Country, which SAP Community Day did you participated in and finally your Feedback.
------------------------------------- Versão em Português-------------------------------------------
A alguns dias atrás eu postei o blog Community Day Brazil 2009 - The Negotiations onde eu falei sobre o evento e as negociações sobre a data e o Local.
Mesmo sem uma data e local confirmado, mais de 80 pessoas se cadastraram e como participantes, também tivemos 9 sugestões de palestras.
A Sugestão da SAP
Eu estava convencido de que o evento poderia acontecer no final de Abril quando o Mark Finnernn e Fernando Corbi me ligaram e me deram a seguinte informação:
"A SAP Brasil sugere a data 05 de Março, assim nós podemos ter a apresentação do Singh Mecker Vice-Presidente da SAP."
As Sessões
Assim que eu desliguei o telefone eu conversei com todos os palestrantes e infelizmente 3 deles cancelaram mas os demais confirmaram suas presenças:
- Apresentação de abertura por Singh Mecker,
- SAP NetWeaver technology Overview por Rogério Tambellini, Bruno Ambrózio and Eduardo De Angeli.
- SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (XI / PI) Overview por Rogério Tambellini.
- Web Dynpro ABAP vs Web Dynpro Java - How to help you to choose por Flávio Luis da Silva Mendes.
- The Pragmatic Programmer Applied to ABAP Development por Bruno Lucattelli.
- NWDI por Marlo J. P. Simon.
Todos os participantes podem sugerir e ter sua própria sessão. Se você tem algum conhecimento e gostaria de compartilhar com outros participante basta clicar aqui e informar os dados sobre as sessões(palestras) de seu interesse.
A Data
O Community Day Brazil 09 será realizado na Quinta-Feira, 5 de março de 2009.
O Local
Auditório da SAP, localizado no escritório da SAP em São Paulo.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.171 - 7º andar
(Entrada pela Av. Chucri Zaidan, em frente ao Shopping Morumbi)
Horário: 9:00 - 18:00
Os debates
Os debates serão realizados em paralelo com as palestras e todos os participantes estão convidados a se juntar. Se você tem alguma idéia útil ou sugestões e gostaria de discutir com os outros participantes clique aqui.
Como participar
A entrada para o evento é gratuíta por isso todos estão convidados a participar, para isto basta clicar aqui e informar os seus dados.
Eu estou convencido de que será um grande evento e a com certesa será um prazer encontrar Singh Mecker lá.
Attendee Buzz
Community Day Lima I was the main organizer of the event. It's was a great day to share knowledge, sessions, collaboration and meet new people. Local Community Day's are the best way to get engaged with the Community and make a difference inside the SAP World. by Alvaro "Blag" Tejada Galindo from Lima, Perú.
SDN Day Las Vegas 2006/2007/2008,
SDN Day Amsterdam 2007,
SDN Day Berlin 2008 ...
- Well, that SDN/SCN Day is the best of the whole SAPTechEd...
- That like minded people are there to network and share ideas with only collaboration in mind...
- That un-conference mode where things are more relaxed and less formal...
- That is a great opportunity to meet very interesting people..
by Leonardo De Araujo "a lost Brazilian in Canada"