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Why was my answer rejected?

Active Contributor

Hi all,

I'm really confused about the rejection of an answer I gave to this questions: ABAP Web service

My answer to the question basically provided a link to the official SAP documentation regarding Web service security (i.e. I can't see how providing a link to offical SAP documentation violates the SCN rules of engaement (The SCN Rules of Engagement ).

I would understand if the question itself was removed by a moderator, as a basic search should provide enough pointers to answer the question. However, if it is a valid question, then a pointer to teh SAP documentation should be a valid response.


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I reject posts with content that is little more than a link as a matter of course.I've explained why many times, but again:

1. Frequently the link isn't relevant - only matching certain keywords.

2. If a link provides the entire answer (which isn't always the case), then usually the original poster could have found it by searching themselves.

3. Everything said in the link given by Ramanjaneyulu

Now, the reason the post wasn't rejected is that it was moved to SOA before I could get to it! But it seems to have been rejected by the moderator there.

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What are we back to stone ages now. Don't use links(only) in the age of Internet. Restate the answer from the link in your own words? Really!!!!!

A community should be treated as a community and not an IBM Watson that will always provide you the perfect answer in the first search everytime. I don't agree with the logic in either.

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Well, you don't have to agree. But that's what the majority of this community has agreed to live by. Or do you think it was all working so much better in 2008?

In the stoneage we didn't have google or search engines. Now we do, so there's no excuse for asking FAQs.

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Actually I love the new implementation based on Jive platform. The ability to get a customized feed of all the content I am interested in is very useful. I use the community all the time and I don't really see some of the issues SCN Rules of Engagement are trying to fix.

Adjusting the rules to continuously improve the community is the right thing to do, but hopefully it can be done using data and facts instead of opinions of a few who choose to express it. It would be great for community owners to run some stats and publish the extent of the problem using text based analysis and other great tools SAP has developed and sells.

Imposing a lot of restrictions in a community forum which is supposed to have freedom of speech will most likely reduce participation. Today we have lot of good content and participation with some abuse. Is the abuse high enough to curb members from linking to a great blog somebody might have published as a solution?

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Hi Matthew,

I totally agree with your approach. I only raised the question here, as I was really surprised that my answer was rejected but the initial question, that could be answered by just using google, is still there.

When I see questions like this I tend to answer them with links to relevant docs, most of the time with simply with links to the relevant SDN discussion and/or wiki page. My hope always is, that people learn and start searching for answers first before posting.

So now I have to think if I post the answer again, providing some more information and a hint to search first or simply sit back and wait what will be happening to the initial post


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You could also "alert moderator" if it is clearly an FAQ and the original poster obviously did not invest any effort in searching for available answers before posting.

If you keep feeding them, they might never learn how to fish (ah, that old analogy...)


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Well, that's my laugh of the day. "Rejecting "link only" posts is a denial of free speech".