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What are primary tags and where can I find which ones I should use when creating content?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Whenever I want to write a blog post or ask a question, I need to add some kind of tag before I'm allowed to post. Why is that and where am I supposed to find what I'm supposed to add?

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Active Contributor

It's a mess with these primary tags. Primary tags should be PRIMARY!! That includes that there cannot be 2800 of them! Primary tags should be something like

  • SAP Community
  • SAP Products
  • Development
  • ...

These tags must be shown at once IMHO.

Community Manager
Community Manager
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Hi Enno,

Primary tags specify which content specific subject matter experts should be following and reviewing. Without this specificity, there would be too large a pool of people in charge of moderating too large a pool of content, which would likely result in nobody doing anything.

Similarly for reputation: People should be recognized (or strive to be recognized) as experts in specific areas. The reputation program breaks down if the expertise buckets are too big.

This was previously outlined in the blog Goodbye Spaces, Hello World of Tags.



Active Contributor


The issue of tags being too cumbersome to utilize effectively, too many tags not visible when searching for their common name, the dropdowns being too long to navigate effectively, and groupings not reflecting known collections were all identified months ago and still have not been addressed in anything other than superficial ways.

Roughly a third of the posts I moderate have the wrong tags. Why? Because the right tag is 5 pages of scrolling down and most folks don't know it is down that far and give up (or are too lazy) before they find the correct tag. Or the find the right tag for their content but it is not available to use. Only the not so applicable children. Example

SAP Web IDE - not selectable

SAP Web IDE, Plugins - selectable

SAP Web IDE, Hybrid App Toolkit Add-on - selectable

Both available choices are very narrow in scope and most questions regarding Web IDE do not involve either Plugins or HAT.

Another example:

UI development toolkit for HTML5 - selectable, but unknown to most folks since we renamed the UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Developer Center to SAPUI5 Developer Center two years ago. The odd thing on this example is we have a Community Topic Page named SAPUI5! Which has the primary tag of ? wait for it....

Yes, UI development toolkit for HTML5. Wonderful how it all hangs together.

Cheers, Mike

Community Manager
Community Manager

When creating new content, you must select at least one tag (called the "primary tag").

Primary tags come from a set of managed tags that SAP maintains. Managed tags available in the community are associated with products, topics, industries, events, databases, operating systems, and product functions. The required "primary" tag is simply the tag chosen to represent the main subject of a new blog or question. Additional managed tags may be applied to the piece of content as well.

You can download a list of the SAP-managed tags available in the community on the About Tags page. From this list, you can see which primary tags you can use when creating content.

There's an important reason why content must have a primary tag. The new community uses tags to allow members to find and follow content. Go to the Browse the Community page to see how to search and filter by some of the most popular tags.

Once you find tags that you're interested in, you can use the Follow button to receive notifications when new content has been added with that tag. To follow a tag, just click on it in the header of your favorite blog post or question to be taken to the tag page, then click the Follow button.

By the way, when you create content you can create your own tags (called "user tags") to provide more context and increase the discoverability of blogs and questions. While a primary tag is required when creating content, user tags are optional -- as are secondary managed tags.

Active Participant
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I can't even figure out what primary tag to use. I have an IDOC/ABAP dumps issue, you would think there would be an IDOC tag, but no, its all operating systems, databases, or SAP products (of which ERP is not even listed). So though I understand why you want/need tags, it was not well thought out or implemented.

Active Contributor

Post it in ABAP tag and as a secondary tag use something functional (e.g. if it's a sales order IDoc then pick SD tag, if materials then MM, etc.).

When there is a short dump involved the question can usually be answered without SCN though. Just sayin'...


It's really annoying with the new Primary tags. I Need two hours of working time to understand the new Portal and how to ask just 1 simple question. I dont want to download a list of tags before I can add a question. That is really a mess and is getting on my nerves.

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Yep, I also don't want to, as someone put it, have to "download spreadsheet to use a website", but there is SAP Community Tags: UI5 application helmut.tammen2 wrote - with search!


My main job is to improve the internal business of my company and not to waste time in the intransparent structures of the new portals. @SAP: there are still users which are working with old fashioned desktop PCs, they don't need the newly app-related designed UI Interfaces.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Brian,

Are the tags Displayed, but not selectable added automatically do the content?

SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization - Displayed, but not selectable
--- advanced simulation for supply network planning
--- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization
--- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization for SAP ERP
--- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization, data management toolkit
--- SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization, demand planning add-in for Microsoft Excel

If the user chooses primary tag SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization for SAP ERP, will the content appear under tag SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization as well?

* This should be made clear in the About Tags page, so as to help people choose the tags correctly.

Also, in the community page of the Software Product (SAP Supply Chain Management), there are no links or easy ways to navigate to the Software Product Function tags (SCM APO Integration (CIF)). How can/will this be improved?

Thank you very much.


Active Contributor

Hi Tiago,

The Displayed, but Not Selectable tags are usually higher level in the taxonomy, and require additional detail (e.g. you must select a sub-tag under the higher level tag). This is all visible within the tag picker.

Using your example, the user would see the following in the tag picker:

They would not be able to click on the bolded title (SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization), but they could select SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization OR SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization for SAP ERP as the primary tag.

That said, I do understand the confusion around your second question because the lower level tag is the same as the higher level tag, would choosing one of the other lower level tags also show up if the user follows the SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization tag. Let's ask Brian to clarify on that point.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the reply.

In the case above, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th selectable tags will result in a negligible amount of content, such that it would be valuable to automatically aggregate them into SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization, but I guess in this case we should make sure both are always selected when a question or blog is created, which is not as good but will help anyway...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Tiago -

Regarding your comment:

Also, in the community page of the Software Product (SAP Supply Chain Management), there are no links or easy ways to navigate to the Software Product Function tags (SCM APO Integration (CIF)). How can/will this be improved?

Good suggestion, I can make sure a link to the tag page is added.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Just commenting to say thank you :-).

It's much better now.


Former Member
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what do you mean by a primary tag? and how should a primary tag be? Could you please let me know?

Thank You

Former Member
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Tags are explained here:


0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

I am unable to see or type a primary tag, if i want to ask a question

How should the primary tag column will be enabled

Kindly help me, i need to post a very important question

Thanks and Regards,



Active Contributor
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can you post a screenshot?

Active Contributor
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Sorry, but what do you mean?

Former Member
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I want to post my question, before posting its asking me for Primary tag, the same way Mallikarjuna Cherlopalli posted.

Can anyone help me with the same.

Thanks and Regards,

Shrutika H


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Post a screenshot to let the people know how your screen looks without a line to enter a tag name , Mallikarjuna Cherlopalli also missed to give the essential information (and never came back after he was asked about it)

Active Contributor
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And strange signature for both:




Shrutika H


Active Contributor
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both have been able to post their questions, just a pity that they could not help to clarify whether there was a system glitch or just having overlooked the entry field

Former Member
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I need to ask a question about EHP8 upgrade. There is no tag for it.

Active Contributor
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Hopefully we don't have tags for upgrades and SP's 🙂

Select product tag relevant to your question.

0 Kudos

I want to join the list of people finding the primary tag annoying.

It's a huge barrier for people - especially newbies - to submit a new question.

I cannot see the advantages of this kind of classification. Why shouldn't SAP stick to the Stack Exchange drawft and allow posting with any free text user tags? I guess this would allow the people in the community to create much more (helpful) content.

Active Contributor

It will change, it is already announced, see this blog:

0 Kudos

Where to find the Primary Tag for SAP production planning and control ?

Active Contributor

Had you already tried to type the word: production planning?

The tag should immediately show up as PLM Production panning (PP)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Why are there no tags for SAP Training (Learning Hub) and/or Certification ? I have 3 blogs ready to post up about my recent certification experience, yet there is not even a suitable primary tag for this kind of thing.I would think the available primary tags would cover at least all SAP products and online resources.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Active Contributor
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I saw that one but it did not seem to apply....and why isn't there a SAP Learning Hub one or SAP Certification center or SAP training and education?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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That's the tag. If you go the Training Product page, it is the link for "more blogs"

There doesn't appear to be product tags for SAP Learning Hub, etc. Possible training team didn't see the need for it.



Active Contributor

Thanks Colleen. I will use it and adjust later if needed.