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Tag for SAP Document Management

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I'm currently testing the "Questions & Answers" functionality and I tried to raise a question for SAP Document Management. But the only tag I could fine is for "SAP Easy Document Management" which belongs to the Document Management component but is only a part of it. As customers know this they will be confused.

From my point of view this tag is not correct and should be named "SAP Document Management" only. The term "SAP Easy Document Management" would be a secondary tag to be more precise.

Best regards,


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Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

Feedback on the metadata is appreciated.

I searched for "SAP Document Management" in the metadata management tool (which you should be able to explore as an employee), but that name doesn't appear as a standalone product; I also looked in the SAP Naming Center, but I can't find it there either. Only SAP Easy Document Management, which you referenced, and SAP Document Center, formerly known as SAP Mobile Documents. So what exactly is "SAP Document Management"?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Brian,

I know this situation that only SAP Easy Document Management is listed as product and I think that this is simply incorrect .

Because EasyDMS is only a small application that can be installed to use the functionality of the SAP Document Management in the Windows browser as well.

SAP Document Management is part of the SAP ERP and included in the PLM module. This means that SAP Document Management is the functional source for Easy Document Management and the product is SAP ERP.

However I just got the information from a colleague that the tags used in the BETA environment are not the final ones and it seems that in the final version there is an own primary tag for document management as well.

Best regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Sounds good.

Indeed, we're working with different teams, including support, to align on new metadata that provides the right amount of flexibility and granularity. Metadata that addresses product functions/modules/etc. is evolving.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hello Christoph,

This sounds like an important feedback. I've added it to our feedback list where you can follow-up on its status:

Thank you!

