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Problem with SSO on SCN

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I'm currently facing the following problem with the SSO in SCN. I have a s-user account to access To simplify logon I imported the security certificate into firefox. If I now try to log into SCN the login is always performed using the security certificate of my s-user. I never get the possibility to choose to log in with my actual SCN account.

Any ideas how to solve this?



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Christian,

I also have this problem since the new SCN (although it was fixed for a few weeks) and although I reported it, SCN helpdesk always stop replying after the second or third mail.

When you get the certificate selection pop-up window just press Cancel and then you should go to the SCN login screen where you can login with your username/password. There is no way of getting SSO to work in Firefox with your S-user certificate. Even if you delete the certificate you will have the same problem.

Best regards,
