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My Activity stream has wrong items

Active Contributor

Why do items like this :

make their way into my Activity stream ???
I don't follow the TAG's they use, nor follow people who posted them ?
I don't need spam in my feed, I already have problems seeing what I'm supposed to.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


I also face problems when using the filter for "Questions & Answers" in my activity stream. If I choose this filter I still get items display where users, followed by me, are replying to questions.

From my point of view these items should only be visible when setting the filter to "Social Activities". With the setting to "Question & Answers" I would expect to get only question items displayed which are raised with tags I follow.

Best regards,


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0 Kudos

@Sajid - did anything come from the investigation by IT?

0 Kudos

Hello Denis,

Could you kindly send me a snapshot of these activities from your stream?

For the first link, please confirm if you are subscribed to (following) any of these items:

For the second link, please confirm if you are subscribed to any of the following:

You may be aware that we currently do not have the ability to see all of our subscriptions in a single page. We are working on such a feature which would enable our users to be able to manage their subscriptions with ease. However, given we do not have such a capability yet, I would highly appreciate it if you could kindly confirm these things. Once confirmed, I am happy to reach out to IT to investigate further.

Thanks for taking the time to report these issues.


Active Contributor

I had to email you both a copy of a PDF print version of my activities feed that I captured last night. Too bad this only supports pictures or file extensions not of the PDF type...

According to my best guess, I am not following the people or any visible tags that would cause many of the activities to appear in my feed. It also seems possible that it happened after I pressed the 'More' button and the pagination lost the idea of who I am and showed me random activities that don't fit me.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Amir,

I'm not subscribed to anything you mentioned.
I just scrolled 4 pages worth of the activity feed and haven't found the above items. Yet they were there earlier.

Is there anyway to avoid activity feed and monitor my areas ?

Active Contributor

This happened a few times to me yesterday: I saw the equivalent of what was previously known as "All Activity" in the old platform. I was not logged out, the issue disappeared after refresh or selecting a filter item on the right.

Unfortunately, this is not related to a specific sequence of mouse clicks or user inactivity or logouts - it looked more like a problem on the server side.

Unlike others, I did not press 'More button', it happened in two cases: 1. when I load in a new tab or in the same tab from the corresponding menu-item and 2. when using the filters option.

I am not able to replicate the issue today, but if I find some time today, I can try again (it took 3-10 minutes of random fast clicking yesterday to see this effect).


I have reached out to IT to investigate further as promised. I will update you once I have some more information or explanation on what happened.

Active Contributor
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It happened a few minutes ago, issue resolved on page refresh.

I managed to take a screenshot and recorded the approximate time in UTC: 11:51.

The first item is wrong, there were a few others like this one down the list, unfortunately print to pdf results in garbled text in my browser.

I don't know if this will help. What I did, was, open followed activity in a new tab from the link on my profile menu. The issue is not reproducible by following the same steps, I had recently closed the same tab, I was browsing the forums and was still logged in.