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Max length of Display Name too short

Active Contributor

The maximum length of the Display Name is only 15 characters. This does not even fit my normal name 'Johan Hakkesteegt'.

It is called the Display Name, but it appears to be a technical user name. That is the only reason I can think of why you cannot even use spaces, let alone actually special characters. The last time I saw this type of restriction was on a software from 1998.


For the sake of everyone who's name is not JS123, can this be extended? 30 characters for example?

And for the sake of everyone who is a living breathing human being, can we do away with some of the restrictions for the Display Name? I can understand that you cannot allow # @ / \ and such, but a space... really?


Community Administrator
Community Administrator
Hi Johan, Could you please try again? The maximum length of username was extended to 30 symbols couple of months ago. Thanks, Aliona
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi @aliona_boltromeyuk, thanks, now my whole name fits. A good start.

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Community Administrator
Community Administrator

This is being updated, timeline not yet set.

Active Contributor

Hi @craigcmehil, how is this possible?
