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Language Confusion

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In a search for 'sap fiori', I am seeing the following languages:

  • English
  • En
  • Spanish

I would assume that English and En should be combined into a common set under 'English'

When selecting 'En', however I am presented with results that include a blog from the Japanese language community:  SAPクラウド演習3. SAP Fiori Client - SAP Blogs

Another thought related to the sub-filter options for language - what if I am bilingual and want to see English and Spanish but not En?  Can I have multiple choice?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Jeremy,

There are discrepancies in how content was tagged ("En" used in stead of "English") that needs to be resolved.  In fact, it was but all the content needs to be pushed again to search, which was requested but might have to wait until migration.

Then we have cases where the content is tagged incorrectly that I'll address again with the owners (community).

Unfortunately, a lot of content wasn't tagged so the team is trying out a language detection tool that isn't working as expected and can't be relied on.  This would have resolved the shortcomings in the way content is being tagged.

Long term, the languages offered will depend on where you accessed the site from.  If you are in Germany and landed on the German homepage, search results will be in German and English, without results in Spanish appearing.  A Spanish user will see Spanish and English. (English is always a primary or secondary language.) Of course, this all depends on everything being tagged correctly, either manually or through language detection.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I have to add that "sap fiori" as a query is pretty broad.  Is the expectation that user will search for "sap fiori" and drill down search results using the filters? Or ask more specific queries and anticipate results than make sense, with at most the need to toggle the type filter (e.g. page, blog, etc)?

For example, searching for "SAP" or a SAP product name is generally a navigational query: i.e. take me to a page I know or think exists.  So the product page on or overview page on SCN tend rank high in Google and, as it turns out, also on the universal search when users select the page filter--and are working to avoid such a need on navigational queries like this.

What about more specific queries, however, that can almost always be random in the sheer number of possible combinations of product names, version, and issue or need?

  • sap fiori tutorial
  • fiori launchpad
  • sso fiori login
  • sap fiori wiki
  • fiori launchpad configuration
  • fiori launchpad certification
  • ...
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Agreed that 'SAP Fiori' is a broad search term, although to someone new in a topic or product, would they really know all the extended terms to use?  What about FLP vs. launchpad?  This is where I would expect logical filters, related tags, drill downs, and other contextual elements come into play.  Any online shopping site like eBay, Best Buy, Amazon models this 'smart drill down'.  I really don't see the role of the CTP to necessarily educate on detailed search terms, so if search is helpful along the way, then that is what I'm trying to relate (but I'm sure other community members have additional thoughts and perspectives).

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There are topics, where the available official documentation is not great or is hard to search for, so you are thankful for every little piece of the puzzle and you need to search with broad terms.

If I get different types of content in the result list, usually I check first the documents (there are a few really good ones), then the blogs, then the wiki (most pages provide very few details, but you might find there some useful SAP notes) and then I check the discussions (most time-consuming, but quite often helpful).

For discussions and blogs: currently I try to filter by space and date range, and I usually need information from several spaces. Unfortunately the existing SCN search in has a limitation on the number of spaces that can be shown, so sometimes I have to drill down a bit to find the relevant ones. The other annoying part is that there is no option to select 2-3 spaces as a filter criteria - e.g. ABAP Development + SAP SD + S/4 HANA + SD Billing.

Translated to the new tag concept: let's assume that I get update terminations when posting a billing document in S/4. After reading some SAP notes, I will search in SCN for content tagged SAP SD, SD Billing, S/4 HANA, ABAP Development - primary and secondary, but I really wish to filter out from the result list anything tagged Business Trends as primary and secondary tag (I mean no disrespect, but if I have a real problem to solve, I won't have time to read this type of content). Then I might filter by dates (because of HANA) if I get more than 300 hits.

Language selection: this can be tricky. What if I don't go to the SAP homepage, but use a direct link to SCN? What if I am on a business trip to a country, where I don't speak the official language (Portugal for example)? What if I connect via VPN to my corporate network and the server is located in Austria, but I speak only Russian? There is a way to set languages in our profiles, can't we use something like that to select results in which language to appear in the search? If you are not logged on, then show all and provide filters by language in the lists.