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Feedback on DIscussion/Questions

Former Member
0 Kudos


I found this SCN Open Beta very interesting. However, i just wanted to have a feature that once a member creates a question on any community/Space there should be a procedure where he gets notification if he dosen't closes the discussion even after getting correct answers. I have seen a number of cases where a active member answers the question and no activity is being performed by the person raised the query.

This way it not only wastes the members efforts in resolving the query but also leaves confusion to a person who is looking for similar resolution since the thread was not closed.

So I request we should have a feature where we get a notification in our registered mailbox or in SCN communication regarding the unclosed threads kept open for a long time. This way the KB will be more reusable.

Hope you like my suggestion.



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Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for providing your feedback and I listed it here:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for considering my inputs