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Do you play computer games ? What is your favourit game ?

Former Member

Hi all,

any gamers here ? Do you like to play computer games ? I'd like to play World of Warcraft.

What do you play ?


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Wow, that's an old thread! Yet we still love playing computer games! It's a great way to relax and escape from the real world for a while. Personally, my all-time favorite game is The Sims. But I have to admit, I've spent quite a few hours playing World of Warcraft as well! By the way, have you guys ever tried online gambling and betting? I also like to try my luck in this area in my free time, and I've found to be a great platform for it. It's a great way to diversify the gaming experience and even earn some extra income on the side.

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I know this thread is a bit old, but I still wanted to chime in. I'm a gamer and have been playing computer games for as long as I can remember. While I haven't played World of Warcraft in a while, I do have some fond memories of it from back in the day. Lately, I've been really into first-person shooters like Call of Duty and Apex Legends. They're both really fun and always keep me on my toes.

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Definitely Code Vein! I found it recently and it's realy fantastic! There aren't many online games on the internet that really depend on your skill. And it is this qualitatively stands out fishing dragnet. As for me it is really a great option among many to spend time for it in your smartphone!

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There are several games I play but my most favourites are:

  1. Call of Duty
  2. DOTA
  3. Mini Militia Doodle Army 2
  4. PUBG
  5. Clash of Clans
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Woah, when I saw the subject of this thread I expected to find here the most geeky games ever :).

I like most of the games I have readed but since 4 years ago I enjoy more and more 'special games', specialy turn-based WEGO (as you always have the time to make another turn, maybe not today but sure tomorrow).

So I will tell you this game. Have in mind when you read the tittle that this is one of teh (yes, teh) greatests games ever. Also is one of the more adictives, it will completely frustrate you for the first two weeks, later you will overpower the AI and then you will join MP games.

Once that happens you are in and there's no way out. I don't want any responsability, stop reading NOW if you are not up for it.

Dominions 3.

The graphics... well, almost spectrum128K-like : ). It is an strategy game X4 turn-based with like 2000 diferent units and LOADS of different nations.

It is great, there is a very dedicted community (albeit some small) creating loads of games and forum discussions.

I also enjoy a lot the Combat Mission series but I no longer play those since I don't have much time and instead of playing other games I just get into more Dominons 3 MP games.

OMG I can't wait to receive my turn and see what has happened to my army, my mages and my Seraphin. They are fighting another army of sacred warriors with a Demon Lord on it.

P.D.: I just play it, I swear I don't sell it : ).

P.P.D.: Despite the bad graphics it was released last year I think.

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Dominions 3

Got to try this then , thanks.

Have you played "Far Cry" or "Doom 3" ? Its also addictive.

And Doom 3 I have to play it in Dark to enjoy it.Its full of surprises.

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Here's a step back in time:

For the Commodore 64 - "Sink the Bismark" by Avalon Hill

wish they had a modern equivilent.

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My favorites are:

1. Roadrash

2. Demolition car

3. NFS Most Wanted

4. Cricket 2007 (EA Sports)

My five year old son easily wins level 5 in Roadrash. He pronounces as 'Loadlash'. I am scared of the cops and opponents, but my son always fights with all the other characters. His hobby is to collect as many swords/sticks as possible from the cops.

Sometimes I feel that these games make children violent. My son, while riding a bicycle used to punch and kick in air like the characters in the game and yells 'Yeah' with his hands up while stopping.

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LOTR ( except Return of the king)

The Mummy

Warcraft III


Desert Rats

Age of Empires

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Ages of empires

Ages of Mythology by Microsoft

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In 2004 i used to play Mummy game.I played completely.I want to play again in future.

I wonder nobody listed it.

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Road Rash

Top Gear

Need For Speed

Age of the Empires


Delta Force



Mortal Kombat and a few others that I cannot remember now.

Its been a while since I played any of the above though.


PS: Missed out to name the funniest game I ever played till date - Playboy

No kidding!!!

Edited by: kishan P on Jan 28, 2009 5:41 PM

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No mummy game in your list as well ;(.

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For people who like racing games, they might like TrackMania.

It is presently the game I play the most. and there are free versions available that can even be played online.

it will work on 5 years old PC. game play is really fun.

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> game I ever played till date - Playboy


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I usally play GTA - 4....only place where i can break the rules and get chased by police and come out clean from the garage ;-).

followed by Max Payne and Metal Gear Solids.

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download the game and you'll know what Im talking abt


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download the movie and watch you'll know what Im talking abt


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i love to play

Ages of empires


Half life

Road rash

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Max Pane 2

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Nobody here playing Abap written games ?

Not the best graphics, but the audiance should be among us !

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> Nobody here playing Abap written games ?


> Not the best graphics, but the audiance should be among us !

i hv sappchess installed on my ecc 6.0, occasionally i do play it, but quite rarely.

Also have tetris and mine sweeper on my ecc5.0.


Edited by: kartik tarla on Jan 28, 2009 12:05 AM

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Me's old school 2.0 (aka MMORPG) gamer. EverQuest. Blub Blub, Level 82 ShadowKnight @ Xegony.

And Texas Hold'em wannabe professional.

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Heavily addicted to Warhammer Online at the moment. 😃

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I play flight simulators :

Lock On

Strike Fighters Project 1

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The two that now cosume most of my time..


Poker @ Poker Stars or Full Tilt.

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Hi Chris,

i heared much about Warhammer Online. Are the servers stable. I heard from a lot bugs and down times. What about graphics?


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> Poker @ Poker Stars or Full Tilt.

What's your handle on PS? Are you playing +EV?


Former Member
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Paul Chapman wrote:

Poker @ Poker Stars or Full Tilt.

What's your handle on PS? Are you +EV?


Coldshuz at both Thomas. I almost only play in the play money Sit-n-Go's for 18-45 player tourneys.

I play for real money locally at our Casino and Dog/Horse tracks.

Never trusted playing for real money online.

+EV? not sure what that is.. so likely no.

EST (GMT -5) here

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> +EV? not sure what that is.. so likely no.

+EV = positive expected value, i.e. are you playing profitable? But you mentioned play money, so not an issue

I also like the live feeling, occasionally I'm in our local casino for some Hold'em tournament action.



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I love the Half Life series. Other than that, Call of Duty 4, the NFS series, Rock Band 2, The Battle of Middle Earth series, loved DOOM 3.

BTW, am ADDICTED to Insurgency. For those of you who don't know, its a mod for HL2. Basically something like CS but much much better.

You can generally find me on the weekends on a server called Cakefight with the pseudonym (you guessed it) T00th.


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> Moin!

11:57 -> Maaahlzeit!

Developer Advocate
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Use to be hardcore PC gamer, played Half-Life Death Match, Quake 3, Counter Strike, etc. Recently I've played a litte TF2, but that is about it. Now I play a lot of Xbox 360, Gears of War, Call of Duty, and some family Legos games(Indian Jones, Batman, Star Wars). Just picked up Mario Cart for the Wii the other day. Also love to play Guiter Hero.


Rich Heilman

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My favourite past time.

1. NFS UG 1,2

2. NFS Carbon, Most Wanted

3. Hitman 2.

4. Max Payne 1 & 2.



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Transport Tycoon

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> Civilization

I used to play that 15 years ago

The last one I played through all levels was Diablo II, but with the day having only 24 hours I am totally abstinent since several years now. I need my beauty sleep...

I might buy a Wii soon for family entertainment.



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Since i started to play world of warcraft, i watch tv little more than 3 hours a week. But as Thomas means, a day only has 24 hours. There is the business and of course my familiy.

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While a day has 24 hours, so does the night. So just play into the night. Problem solved.

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Alright, so that's the secret behind your fresh looks!

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> Thomas Zloch wrote:

> > Eric Cartman wrote:

> > Civilization


> I used to play that 15 years ago

me too but I cannot stop since that

and two more:

Patrician III.

Panzer General II.

Edited by: Julius Bussche on Jan 26, 2009 2:45 PM

Fixed the formatting.

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Does the SDN Abuse Reports Console count?

It is a bit like playing Space Invaders and Pacman simultaneously...

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I am sorry Julius, but this "game" does not count. 😛

Perhaps you like to try to post another game.

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> I am sorry Julius, but this "game" does not count. 😛

Why, the console has one famous game,

Hunt the point gamers!!!!!

other games include.....

Catching the copy cat.

Nice games aren't they.


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Call of Duty 4... great game, also into GTA.

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In no particular order:

Gears of War 2

Fable 2

Fallout 3

Any Need for Speed

Any Guitar Hero

I used to play a largely abnormal amount of World Of Warcraft until personal circumstances dictated I no longer do.

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> Does the SDN Abuse Reports Console count?


> It is a bit like playing Space Invaders and Pacman simultaneously...

no, it is gambling will my abuse report accepted or not?

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Okay. I have finished playing ARC 5.0 this evening in stealth mode. No Guestifications so far...

> Steffen Kamphoff wrote:

> I am sorry Julius, but this "game" does not count. 😛

Fair enough. It is not a game.

A kind person whom I met here at SDN once sent me a copy of the book [Only You Can Save Mankind|]. It is a constant reminder to me that there are either real people behind the fresher space ships, or some bot written by Anton

What I have played (until the speakers gave up the ghost - which was fatal for hearing the stalkers behind me, and doors opening in passages which I could not see) is Project IGI.

I played it to the end in all modes without using cheats. It took me 3 months. That was ~ 4 years ago.

I haven't played anything since. Can anyone recomment anything comparable which is not too addictive?



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I'm a fairly frequent gamer. I'm playing Fallout 3 on my PC right now. I also enjoy a game of Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead on my PC from time to time. I also like to fire up the Xbox 360 on the weekends and play a little bit of everything - from Rock Band to Gears of War. My Live name is [ABAP Freak|].

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Good day all ! I also play Fallout 3 , quite a fascinating game in which you want to immerse yourself.

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I play Durak on my laptop every now and again.

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I love gaming.

My favorite game list :

Doom 3

GTA San Andreas and vice city

NFS UG2 and Most Wanted (didnot like Carbon)

Hitman series

Project IG

Football and Cricket(EA sports)

Resident Evil

Die Hard

Age of Empires series (except age of mythology)


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I have PSP, PS2 & WII.

But I mostly use PSP.

My favourites are Mortal Kombat (PSP & PS2), Midnight Club(PSP), Mario Super Bros (WII), NFS Carbon(PSP & PS2), GTA (PSP).

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I have also a WII, but it is more fun to play WII on small house partys.

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I play NFS and AOE