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[BUG] Unable to edit comment to question!

Active Contributor

I am unable to edit my comment to question (not comment to answer or comment to comment ... to answer):


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

In preparation for several of the changes coming to the platform this is actually by design. One of the feedbacks from the community has been users editing and removing the content of a question once answers have been given thus leaving an answer with no context. To address that we are making multiple setting changes to the editing ability and one of those is this particular one. So it's not a bug it's just a bit out of context at the moment while the other changes have not fully rolled out yet.

Active Contributor

Sorry, but how "users editing and removing the content of a question once answers have been given thus leaving an answer with no context" is related to inability to edit the comment to the question? Even if this comment is the latest comment in the comments tree...

In general the logic has to be: If some post (question, answer or comment) has at least one reply (by answer or comment) then the user has to be blocked for this post editing.

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I totally agree. The user should at least be given a decent amount of time to edit his contribution (ca. 15 minutes at the very least)

Active Contributor

I think that the key is absence of replies. When there is a reply for some post then editing post is incorrect - mismatch between post and reply may happen.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

that or if the edit is allowed, provide version history so users can see what was previously there

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Well, version history can help, but it makes the process very complex (including comparing of time stamps etc...). Most of the users will ignore it. Restricting edit for the post with reply is a simple option!

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Yeah, this is not about editing a question. It's not uncommon to make a typo (even with the "spel checkur") and notice it right after posting. Or you post and realize you forgot to mention an important detail.

Why is this "best answer" though? Did you accept it by mistake, Vadim? I'm confused... Might want to un-accept it before this functionality is also taken away. 🙂

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Sorry, but it was answer author, who accepted his answer using moderator authorization. I can't un-accept it:

Active Contributor

Um... Why was it necessary to "force accept" an answer that doesn't even answer the question? I'm even more confused now... craig.cmehil - what is the reason for this?

In 10+ years I think I've seen an answer accepted by moderator only a few times at all and never with an answer that didn't actually answer the question. This seems to be uncalled for. I hope this is a mistake.

Thank you.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Regardless of whether the answer is liked or not it's still the answer. Kind of black and white there. It's not a BUG, it's by design. Yes not normal for the author answer to accept their own answer but in this case - it's the answer.

Now as all of you continue to throw your comments in, we are monitoring and will make adjustments in the future if need be, but until then this is the answer to implied question posted "is this a bug?"

Active Contributor
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Sorry, but inability to edit my latest (within few seconds) comment to answer is definitely a BUG.

Theoretically, I can convert my comment to an answer, then delete it. But it's a bad workaround.

P.S. May be users with moderator rights don't have this issue...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Speaking of which, feedback on whether moderators can accept their own answers in the future is something we are looking for as well. To facilitate this continued discussions I've started a thread you are welcomed to join and we will leave this one be.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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A bug is an unintended action, this is intended. Therefore not a bug, just because you do not agree does not mean it's still a bug.

Active Contributor

And what is the intention in this case? I am unable to understand the logic!

If you post:

Question - it's possible to edit question text

Answer - it's possible to edit answer text

Comment to answer - it's possible to edit comment text

Comment to comment to answer - it's possible to edit comment text

Comment to comment ... to comment to answer - it's possible to edit comment text

And only for:

Comment to question - it's impossible to edit comment text

Comment to comment to question - it's impossible to edit comment text

Comment to comment ... to comment to question - it's impossible to edit comment text

From the common sense point of view it's a bug.

Active Contributor

It might be an answer but not an answer to this question. 🙂 And this is not about "liking" an answer. Sorry but in this case Vadim asked about one thing (editing a comment) but you've replied about a different thing (editing a question).

For example, imagine in ABAP tag someone would've asked about adding an index to an internal table. Answer: "Create an index in SE11 transaction". Is this an answer? Yes. Is this the correct answer? No. (The answer is about a transparent table.) Would this be a good decision for a moderator to accept this question as best? No.

I do remember an idea to restrict editing of the questions and editing of the comments that already have a reply. I don't recall anyone expressing desire to just disable editing altogether or to make it inconsistent (can edit a comment on an answer but not on a question).

Edit: (oh hey, I totally can edit this comment! 🙂 hm... ) just realized we can't delete the comment either. Even on Twitter we can delete tweets.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

By the way, I managed to found at least one case, when I am able to edit my comment to comment to question:

I am unable to understand why it's working here!

Definitely a bug!