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Add-On with 3 namespaces imported together.

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Hi experts,

I am finding the better way to use the AAK 5.0.

I have 1 Add-On with 3 namespaces. I am using the AAK 5.0.

I must create 3 Packages, one for each namespace. I would like to create some link between them. I would like to guarantee the import of the 3 packages together.

If this it is not possible, I would like to do something to check that the all correct packages were import, during or after the process import.

I am using the guide "SAP Add-On Assembly Kit 5.0 Support Package 1.1/ Document Version: 1.0 – 2016-05-23/ SAP Add-On Assembly Kit".

Thank you very much!

Best regards.


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Former Member
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Hi Adriana,

    a namespace is always related to own software component version. That would mean that you would have 3 Add-On's. If it is one Add-On you should only reserve one namespace for that. Beyond that namespace you can create as many packages as you need to distinguish different functional areas.

    If you really require 3 different namespace i.e. 3 different Add-On's but would like to ensure that they are installed at the same time, that could also be defined, but not at the point in time of the devlivery composure, but at the point in time of packaging in the Software delivery assembly (SDA). Here you can then define for each Add-On installation package that it requires the other Add-On as well in the import conditions. Though I strongly would recommend to have everything together in one Add-On.

Best regards

Hans-Ludwig Schneider

SAP SE AAK development 

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Hi Hans-Ludwig,

Thank you very much for your assitencie.

Our Add-on was built with 2 mandatory namespaces and 1 namespace optional.

I can´t modify this situation.

Best regards,
