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you do not have requeried permission to use rhe SAP MII Workbench. The system will close.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello people.

I am experiencing an intermittent problem well and abnormal. I have an environment where my SAP MII 12.2 developing user access to the portal to use the MII SAP MII Workbench. After a few days (not sure how long, but I believe that more than 30 days) any user who is trying to access the MII link "Content Development \ Workbench" and then links instead of opening the SAP Workbench displays a message "You have not of the required Permission to use the SAP MII Workbench. the system will close. ".

However, users who access the workbench have access to open the Workbench. This error happens even with an administrator or super user admin. I only managed to solve this problem after a restart of the environment.

I've done several searches in the log and found nothing.

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

Message error:

Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

What error do you receive on the java console? This usually happens when the JRE version on your system starts blocking the JNLP file which is being downloaded to your system. An upgrade of JRE helps in this case.



Former Member
0 Kudos

I get the error when opening the java console SAP MII Workbench.

The problem occurs with all client stations simultaneously. And this problem is solved only after the restart of the SAP MII.

Thank you.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am providing more information about my system and things I read during the day.
My application server uses the SAP MII java below:

java version "1.5.0_30"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 5.1.070)
SAP Java Server VM (build 5.1.070 17.0-b16, Aug 13 2011 23:55:32 - 51_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:158234 (mixed mode))

For workstations, as described in the documentation SAP can use client java 1.5 onwards.
Today I spent the day reading notes and notes of SAP (SDN Sapnote, etc.) and got a big question. I've been noting that the version of java always says that SAP is "SAP JVM 5.1". I searched for that name ("SAP JVM 5.1") in the software download and found a newer file (SAPJVM5_74-10004313.SAR).

Will be interesting to update the "SAP JVM 5.1" of my application server?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Daniel,

The SAP JVM you are talking about is at the server end. It gets shipped with Netweaver Java Application Server installation.

This however is different from JRE version your client is running on. The workbench uses the client level JRE. You can turn on java console logging to see error details.



Former Member
0 Kudos

It is a good suggestion to you. The error now is not being displayed because after I did a restart of the SAP MII server error stopped. Once the error occurs again follow your tip.

The activation of the log that you refer to is the client or server?

Thank you.