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Which is the master data in SAP EHSM module?

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Good Day SAP Gurus,

I''m new to SAP EHSM module and currently working on SAP EHSM-IM project.  I want to know which is the master data we used in SAP EHSM CE 6.0 for incident management?

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Hi Sagar,

EHSM- Incident Management (Component Extension) prospective we are considering only Location Master Data  and  Actions & Controls data.

Master Data

The following three master data records are useful in Incident Management.

1) Plant

A plant is an organizational unit that serves to subdivide the organization

according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning


2) Organizational Unit

The organizational unit in SAP application is used to define organizations

on the basis of functional units; for example departments and functions

such as maintenance, IT, HR, etc.

3) Locations

Locations are the objects used in CE for SAP EHSM to represent organization

on spatial for functional form that will be used for identifying the

location of incident and used for the reporting process.

That common data model can be used between two different objects that are logically and process-wise similar.

1. Define location structure for EHS function based on reporting


2. Integration with Plant Maintenance as a part of ERP.

There is a standard integration available between CE 3.0 and above for SAP EHSM

location objects and functional location objects available in Plant Maintenance

as a part of ERP application.


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor

Hi Sagar,

Your client having any legacy system to capture the incidents before they implement SAP ?

The data which exist is called master data.

Example : No. of Previous incidents & Accidents or Safety observation in functional location wise or plant wise.

Incident data & safety observation data. Submission any reports like forms to government also comes under Master data & employee data from HR also master data for IM.

I Hope this clarifies you question.

Read this link to get idea on IM.

Incident Management (EHS-MGM-INC) - Component Extension for SAP EHS Management - SAP Library



Former Member
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Thanks guys for your valuable guidance. My project is a construction project and everything is started from the scratch even EHS committee. I just started AS-IS now.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback.


Active Contributor
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Hello Sagar Rohanekar ,

Please close the thread by selecting correct answer if your query is answered.



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