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Using product compliance for discrete industries (PRC) after 2025


Hello experts,

Currently, the situation for product compliance for discrete industries (PRC) after 2025 remains unclear. In this case I am referring to PRC functionalities like ROHS compliance determination for components in the product piece list and Full Material declarations and not SDS authoring for the process industry.

At this moment, PRC is part of Product compliance (PC) classic capability, which runs in S4 using the compatibility pack (customizing node product safety and stewardship).

According to screenshot-1.png, new PRC functionality will come as part of the product marketibility functionality within PC New Capability. But in the road map I cannot find an officially announced replacement for the old PRC functionality. Is there already a replacement?

According to this article the use rights of the compatibility scope will expire on 31.12.2025, but the Product compliance (PC) classic capability is supported with maintream maintenance until 2029 (See screenshot-2.png).
(1) Does it mean that in 2026 the PS classic capability and the old PRC functionality cannot be used anymore as the use rights for compatibility scope ends? If that is the case then it does not make sense that the PC classic functionality is supported until 2029.
(2) Or does it mean that from 2026 onwards the use rights for the PS classic capability and the old PRC functionality cannot be purchased anymore? And who ever has purchased the use rights before 31.12.2025 can use it until 2029?

Validated information is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance

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Hello duc_minh,

Referring to your 2nd screenshot:

"PS / PRC Compatibility Scope" refers to the use rights under S/4HANA with the 'old ECC license'. That means that you can use the SAP Product and Reach Compliance ((S)PRC) solution with the license you obtained for your ECC System until the end of 2025 on an S/4HANA system.

"PC Classic Functionality" - which includes PRC classic as you know from ECC - can be used with a new 'S/4HANA for product compliance' license until the end of 2036. (2036 = end of maintenance of the SAP S/4HANA 2029 release. -> you would need to stay on that 2029 release to use SPRC until 2036).

--> IMHO you can run the classic SAP PRC solution - for the discrete industry to manage REACH, RoHS etc compliance - until the end of 2036, if you purchase a new 'S/4HANA for product compliance' license before 2025 is over.

Please check with your SAP Account Executive for a definite answer from SAP - especially if you want to purchase a new license or don't have a 'S/4HANA for product compliance' license yet.

Hope this helps



Hello Mark,

many thanks for your answer. I will try to get validation from SAP und do an update here, once I got it.



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Hello Mark,

we have the answer from SAP. PRC Classic can be used On Premise after 2025, but without support or new development from SAP. 

