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update new rules from new serc update

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we have all rules mapped for the current serc 2014 . Now with the 2015 serc updates how do I know which rules has been updates/changed/introduced and update in the server and expert admin and in cgsdam . DO I need to delete all the existing ones from all these places and reconfigure everything one by one ? what is the best and optimal way to do this ?

also how Do i know which databse needs to be updated and replaced ?

k g

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Krishna,

  • Step 1): Compare all the version numbers. Then you will know what has been updated
  • Step 2): For all updated versions, check what is new or changed. 2014 is quite old, a number of rule sets have become obsolete or have been replaced by others.
  • Step 3) For all new or changed ones, check whether you need to do any changes in the corresponding databases (don't forget the externvalues!)
  • For all new or changed ones, bring in all necessary transports (that may include transports from the updates between 2014 and the latest one) and do all necessary settings in customizing. Don't forget the transports from other parts of SERC like property tree etc.

Once that all has been done, make a backup of all your rule set files from the expert server. The easiest way to update all files there and registering the rule sets is to run SetupERC_GLOBAL.exe on the expert server, but read the instructions first!

You have to make sure that at least your property tree is up to date. That means that you have to bring in ALL property tree updates since 2014!


0 Kudos

Thank you Raplh ,

The explanation was very much helpful . you did mention about running SetupERC_GLOBAL.exe which will take care upadating rulesets but will that also update all those mappings either in cgsadm or expert admin or does that task need manual intervention . Should we do for all rules by deleting existing ones in expert admin or should do for only the updates ? what is the best way to achieve this as I see there will be lot of effort itself in figuring out what rules need to be update and what needs to be created and deleted in cgsadm t code ?

I hope  you got this question as well .


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Krishna,

The program mentioned will not elete anything, but install and register the latest versions of all rule sets on the Expert server. This is the same as doing it in CGSADM. So my suggestion would be:

  1. Make a backup copy of your current rule set files
  2. Delete the rule set files from the rules directory on the Expert server
  3. Execute SetupERC_global.exe
  4. If you have made any changes to any rule set file, reimport this one into the rules directory on the Expert server
  5. smile

You wull still have to check manually which rule sets are not needed anymore or have been made obsolete in order to adjust the user exits.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear krishna

According to my knowlegde: if you are buying content (as discussed in some parallel thread) you should get "additional information" like pdf files from content provider (e.g. SAP) etc. In these files you should get clear indication about next steps to be done (e.g. customizing set up etc.)

Part of the "documentation" should be a list of

a.) new rule sets

b.) changed rule setes



also how Do i know which databse needs to be updated and replaced ?

I assume your refer to "mdb"- Same story as before. The SAP document  (if you use SAP content) should clearly indicate next steps etc.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

HI Christoph,

Part of the "documentation" should be a list of

a.) new rule sets

b.) changed rule setes


One would think so - but unfortunately this is not the case: There is no overview list available which lists the new, updated, obsolete or 'replaced by other rule set' rule sets !

You can look through ~ 20+ Pages to figure out which ones have been added, deleted, or re-placed by other rule sets....

Kind Regards


Active Contributor
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Dear Mark

good to know.. (my assumption was here wrong) if there is the need to use rule sets delivered by SAP etc. in the future
