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turn of automatically creation of RH/VDS files

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In the file \customize\config\plm_setenv.env are two lines at the bottom.
Edit: it is not the template folder.. but in customize folder..

# Uncomment the line below if you want to globally disable RH/VDS generation

So I removed the comment from last line to disable the creation of RH/VDS in ECTR, but when I restart the ECTR and make some new documents, this .vds files still appear in the orriginals container of the DIR.

Why won't this work? I have searched all documentation but cannot find this setting: PLM_VECONVERT_DISABLED.

Please some advise how to solve this.



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Hi Waldemar,

Thanks for your answer, I typed the wrong path, it is actually in the customize folder.

I can change it that way, but if this statement is meant for this purpose why should it be there? If it won't work.



0 Kudos

Hi Danny,

please take a look into ECTR logfiles. ECTR traces all setenv files which are used. May be you are using the backendConfig but editing the file inside the ECTR installation - in the case of backendConfig the configuration files are located in another place after download from SAP Backend.

Example of the output by processing a setenv file:

[09:17:05.751] launcher  Run script files:
[09:17:05.751] launcher    C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Local\SAP\ECTR\conf\ectr52-clean\<...>\customize\config\plm_setenv.env

Please use ECTR try icon - "System" - "Open configuration Directory" to locate ECTR configuration which is used by ECTR.

Another possibility is that you may have another file plm_setenv.js/plm_setenv.bat - in this case the file plm_setenv.env is not used anyway, there is an "extension" priority: .bat wins over .js wins over .env

So if you have a file plm_setenv.bat, then plm_setenv.js/env will not be used, if you have file plm_setenv.js, then plm_setenv.env will not be used.

With kind regards,

Waldemar Tribus

0 Kudos

Hi Waldemar,

Thank you for your explanation.

Yes we use the BackendConfig and this solved our issue. We put the line in the plm_setenv.bat file and then it works.

So what I learned; .inv and .js files won't be used in beckendconfig if a .bat file with same filename exist.

Best regards,
