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The use of Listed substance

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When looking at the standard data-models for EHS. SAP proposes that listed substance should be used together with pure sub and real sub.

Can someone explain why listed substance is needed?

Which data should be store there?

What is the difference between listed substance and pure substance?

I would greatly appreciate answers to these questions!

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Former Member
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Hello Gustav ,

List Substance:

This is where one should load the data from your data provider (CLEO / CaaS / Ariel). No one should change or add values on a list substance level.

No material assignments.

Pure Substances:

This specifications inherit or reference the data from the list substances.

If you need to add or change data - this is the place to do it.

No material assignments.

Real Substances:

This is where you manually maintain (or calculate via EH&S Expert) the classification (GHS, OSHA etc.) of your products.

One real substance level you maintain (or calculate via EH&S Expert) the "Standard Composition" with pure substances.

This is the substance from which you create the MSDS.

Real Substance have material assignments.

Hope this helps


Former Member
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Thank you for the swift and informative answer.

I have a follow up question for you.

Do you still need the listed substance if you do not purchase data from a content provider?

Best regards / Gustav

Former Member
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Hi Gustav,

No you don't need to use list substances. It is 'just' a recomendation from SAP to use it if you have a data provider - not a must.

If you migrate all your data from a legacy system - you load it directly to the pures substances.

Hope this helps


Former Member
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Thanks a lot, your answers helped me a lot!

Former Member
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You're welcome Gustav!

Former Member
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HI Mark,

I could Not find PURE_SUBSTANCE as a specification Type, but i could see PURE_SUB in Substance Nature. could you please explain to me the difference?

Also, if PURE_SUB is not a Specification type, will pure substances be created with Specification type LIST_SUB or REAL_SUB with Substance Nature = PURE_SUB


Gaurish Dessai

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Gaurish

please start new thread. Short explanation:

SAP EHS data model uses different fields (objects). Someof them are "very" important  E.g. the understanding of how to do the set up of REAL_SUB, PURE_SUB or LIST_SUB is important as based on this set up a lot of other customzing steps are required

The "Substance nature" is only a term used to "classify" an object. You can use it on the top if needed e.g. as selection criteria etc. E.g. as you canuse thisfiled for "simply" inquiries and you have selected "PURE_SUB" you will get very fast the hit list.

For those who would like to go deeper: with higher releases of SAP (and depending on the modules you are using) more objects areavailabel as part of STANDARD SAP EHS (LIST_SUB, PUR_SEUB, REAL_SUB_E etc.) But this is a "long" story (and as mentioned by other: the default set up of SAP is only proposal; you could it 100% different with out real effects


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