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SVT settings in Material Master

0 Kudos

Hello Gurus,

I want to do the SVT settings in material master so that at the time of purchase, production and sales system throws a warning/ error message if business crosses the limit of quantity of substance.

Where exactly i can do this setting. Do i have to add a new tab in material master to achieve this.

I would be thank full if you provide screen shot also.


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0 Kudos

Dear VM

this is not related to "material master" but "specification master" (handling so called "specoial" limited quantities); but may be I "misinterpret" your demand. What is the meaning of "throws a messsage"? in which context? CBRC20? During the save of pruchase, production and sales? If the last one applies. this is done using the "onlinechecks". PLease check SAP Online help, the corresponding SVT OSS consulting note and check:

Therefore: online"message": no additional set up in material master (but other set up needed)

Maintenance of "special limits": done via CG02 in the corresponding property
