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Setting incident category during initial recording


The tiles to record NEAR MISS or SAFETY OBSERVATION include options to enter incident category (eg: Release), but neither the REPORT INCIDENT (Basic Recording) or REPORT INCIDENT (Detailed Recording) have this capability, and I cannot see where I can influence this in FIELD CONTROL.

Anyone know how to activate this?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Alan,

the Incident Category can't be set in the initial recording explicitly. There is no similar functionality available as in Near Miss or Safety Observation recording.

However, the Incident Category is set automatically, based on the data you record:

  • If you enter one or more Injured Persons, the Incident Category Injury/Illness will be selected
  • If you enter one or more Releases, the Incident Category Release will be selected

This feature is available in all applications to record an Incident, e. g. the Detailed Recording and the Simple Recording (see screenshots attached). This will only work tough, if the standard customizing vor the respective Incident Classification/Grouping is used (as in constant interface if_ehhss_inc_impl_c=>sc_inc_group).

The Incident Categories can't be added using field control. The categorization of Near Miss and Safety Observations is done using a Web Dynpro Component (EHHSSWDC_INC_QAF_GROUP_V3). Of course, you can create a similar Web Dynpro Component which can be used to categorize an Incident record.

With the later versions of S/4HANA, the recording for Incident, Near Miss, and Safety Observation is combined in a single application. Therefore, any changes you perform on the current version might be not available after an upgrade.

With kind regards,
