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SAP standard EHS characteristic definition not aligned

Former Member
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Hi all,

I am at a customer site and have noticed an unusual problem with the SAP EHS standard characteristic for exposure time. This problem shows up in the Exposure time characteristic for the property Repeated Dose Toxicity and also for the property in Genetic Toxicity in Vivo.  When I have a look at the customer system (they just went live last year without EHS), I find the exposure time characteristic is defined to be phrase based.  This seemed odd to me as I expected a numeric entry requirement.  I checked the LOB Demo system (EC3). In this one, the same characteristic is defined as free entry and this also seems odd as it accepts alpha values for time.

As it is not recommended to change a standard SAP characteristic (and also not possible due to message that blocks one from doing so),  how to get this scenario corrected?  And, what is the correct definition for the exposure time characteristics in these two properties?

Thanks for your help,


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Ed,

you're talking about SAP_EHS_1019_008 and SAP_EHS_1019_010, right? In these, the exposure times are of CHAR30, but have no phrase set assigned.


Former Member
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Hi Ralph,

Almost correct.  I was looking over the shoulder of the key user yesterday when we discussed the problem they have. Apparently,  The properties noted with problem were  Repeated Dose Toxicity and Genetic Toxicity in Vivo. I think same problem may also be found in Carcinogenicity.  Therefore, my context is for SAP_EHS_1019_008_EXPO_TIME and SAP_EHS_1019_010_EXPO_PERIOD. We can also add SAP_EHS_1019_011_EXPO_PERIOD.  These were the ones where the customer has problem.  As you can see from attachments I now include, they are defined as CHAR30.  The problem occurs because their system has the function C14K_PHRASECHARACT_CHECK defined for the characteristic. Our SAP EC3 demo system also defines these characteristics as CHAR30 but without the Check function.  This is a little better as it is then possible to enter the exposure time. I would have more expected a numeric definition as we commonly see with Exposure time for Acute Inhalation Toxicity (SAP_EHS_1019_002).

Thanks very much for having a look.  They will appreciate if we can somehow solve this one.


Former Member
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Thanks to Ralph and also to other offline responders on this one.  Basic problem is that a phrase set was linked to the Exposure Time characteristic most likely during initial SERC installation.  Ralph offers simple solution to remove the link using CGAB.

Tested the corrective action on the customer system and now it works. 🙂

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