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SAP S/4HANA for Product Compliance: SVT - Issues with Compliance Requirements Creation

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Dear Community 

I'm implementing SAP S/4HANA for Product Compliance, OnPrem version 2023, and I'm facing some issues (and, it seems, some bugs). I know the extreme narrow scope of this function in the (not so) new solution, but it is what it is, and I and the client will have to make do with it for the time being.

Important disclaimer: I'm fully aware that OnPrem versions are "downplayed" by SAP in favor of Cloud solutions, but in this particular case the later are not an option over the former, at least in the medium term, for this particular client. 

Issues I'm facing with SVT

  • First and foremost: I cannot make my own compliance requirement(s) with a client's relevant substance list "SVT relevant".

I've created some compliance requirements, with the App Manage Compliance Requirements - Product Marketability (Component: EHS-SUS-PMA, Technical Component ID: EHPMA_CR_ENTRY_OIF) with a list of substances relevant to my client (meaning "already existing products") by thoroughly copying the embedded SVT "Best Practice Content - Initial Version", using the "Create First Version" button.

So far so good or - or so I thought.


After creating the necessary Legal Entities with the App Manage Legal Entities (ID: F5755, V 12.0.0) and then proceeding to create the Legal Entity Mappings with the App Manage Legal Entity Mappings (ID: F5935, V 12.0.0), I come across my problem: 

I'm unable to find the compliance requirements I created earlier:


The same happens in the App Enable Substance Volume Tracking for Compliance Requirements

(ID: F6964, Version: 12.0.2)

After some technical help and debugging we manage to learn that the compliance requirements created need to be "SVT Relevant"!

The question is: How do I do this? In the Manage Compliance Requirements - Product Marketability App

(Component: EHS-SUS-PMA, Technical Component ID: EHPMA_CR_ENTRY_OIF) there is no option to make this happen. So what must be done?
  • Some other issues/bugs:

This product version only carries out tracking for "Import To", "Produce in", "Export to". So why is there the option "Sell in" when creating Legal Entity Mappings, when this function is not supported?


I went ahead and tried to create it anyway, and the result is, to put it mildly, annoying with the possibility of causing some havoc, when put into production: the created legal entity is "stuck", and cannot be deleted or the draft discarded - this seems to be some sort of bug.


This is what a "normally" mapped Legal Entity looks like:


Hope to find some help with this issues. 

Again thank you in advance,

Paulo Sérgio Pinto 



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Dear Paulo,

Thanks a lot for your interest in our new Substance Volume Tracking solution in SAP S/4HANA for product compliance and for your detailed description below.

Substance Volume Tracking  in SAP S/4HANA for product compliance is still under development and will be continuously enhanced in the future. Currently the main focus in our Customer Engagement Sessions for SVT is on the evaluation of the SVT specific requirements for regulations like EU REACH, UK REACH, Turkey KKDIK, US TSCA, US TSCA SNUR, JP ISHL, JP CSCL and so on. 

The focus of the first version of the new Substance Volume Tracking solution, which you will find in the current SAP S/4HANA OnPremise, Private Cloud and Public Cloud releases, is on the following topics:

  • Implementation of a new architecture concept for SVT which is flexible enough to support various SVT relevant regulations and various SVT relevant business processes
  • Integration of SVT with the new Product Compliance Event and Task processing framework
  • Integration of SVT with the new Compliance Requirement concept in Product Compliance
  • Integration of SVT with the new Data Model in Product Compliance
  • Implementation of a new concept for retracking of substance volumes based on SVT relevant changes in e.g. compositions, compliance assessments, compliance requirement versions, legal entity mappings, ...
  • Introduction of a new concept for defining and mapping of Legal Entities which supports different Legal Entity definitions in different regulations (e.g. business place vs site vs plant vs company ...)
  • Providing an enhanced traceability of the tracked substance volumes by e.g. enabling a drill-down possibility in the SVT Monitor from the tracked substance volumes to the corresponding material documents
  • Implementation of a new concept for tracking produced substance volumes
  • ... and many more features (please see the SAP S/4HANA SVT online help for details:

Important areas where we still have gaps or which are not supported in the current version of the solution are:

  • Support of specific business processes like Vendor Consignment, Subcontracting, Vendor Returns, Customer Consignment, Advanced Intercompany Sales, Third Party Sales Customer Returns, Re-import or Process/Production Orders with Rework
  • Support of specific regulatory requirements like e.g. certain exemption scenarios, only representative functionality, maintenance and consideration of substance registrations and notifications, tracking/aggregation of use specific substance volumes 
  • Tracking of planned quantities and the direct integration into the logistic/material management processes (which would also be the pre-requisite for blocking business process in cases where a threshold limit would be exceeded)

Based on these gaps we decided for the time being that we do not allow to enable customer specific compliance requirement definitions for SVT. 

Compliance Requirement versions which are already enabled for Substance Volume Tracking are:

  • EU REACH Registrations Status
  • GB REACH Registrations Status
  • TR KKDIK Registration Status
  • US TSCA Inventory Status
  • US TSCA SNUR Status
  • US TSCA CDR Status
  • JP ISHA Status
  • JP ENCS Status
  • JP CSCL PACS Status
  • JP CSCL General Chemicals

When testing SVT with these Compliance Requirements, please consider the description of the Compliance Requirement Versions, the SAP S/4HANA Help for SVT (see link above) and the gaps which are mentioned above.

In addition all Compliance Requirements which are part of our Best Practice Content for Substance Volume Tracking (Scope Item 4OL) are SVT enabled. See: ".. SVT 2020 June - Best Practice Content (Initial Version)" in the Manage Compliance Requirements - Product Marketability app. 
These Compliance Requirement Version definitions were created to allow customers to perform the test which are described in the Test Script of the 4OL Scope Item in all countries which are supported by the Best Practice Content.

By using the "Create New Version" functionality in the Manage Compliance Requirements (Product Marketability) app you can create your own versions of these Best Practice Compliance Requirements and enhance these versions with your own substance list definitions.

Create New Version based on existing version:



Edit and Release new Version:


Once you released and activated (App Activate Compliance Requirements - Product Marketability) such a new version of a Compliance Requirement Definition it will show up in the Enable Substance Volume Tracking - for Compliance Requirements app and can be used for own SVT tests. Again, please consider the SAP S/4HANA Help for SVT and the gaps which are mentioned above while testing.

The two new apps Manage Legal Entities and Manage Legal Entity Mappings are not only used for Substance Volume Tracking, but also for defining and determining the company specific part of the Korean SDS number (see for details). The business process scenario SELL IN is currently only supported for the SDS use case not not for SVT. I will discuss with my colleagues if we can find a way to better separate from a UI point of view better the two different use cases (SVT and SDS) in the app.

For the issue which you described at the end of your post when you tried to save the newly created Legal Entity mapping, please open a SAP message so that we can take a closer look at this problem.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Michael Schalk (SAP)
Product Manager for Substance Volume Tracking

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Thank you for your answer. I'll read it carefully - at a first glance it seems to be very comprehensive.
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Hi Paulo and Michael.

Paulo, are you able to provide any update since this last post? I will be in a similar situation where we are exploring the new S/4 for Product compliance module and the substance volume tracking features. Reading Michael's response, it looks like the "workaround" to create a new compliance requirements version from an existing best practice compliance requirement is the only solution we have if we want to create new customer-specific SVT compliance requirements with our own substance lists.

Have you implemented this solution, and what is your experience so far? And is there anything to watch out for?


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I have another question which might be a bit silly so apologies in advance. But can anyone confirm if marketability assessment needs to be done in order to perform the substance volume tracking?
Former Member
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Hi Michael,

Thanks for the information.

I hope all is fine!

I found the answer to my previous question already 🙂
