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SAP EHS Waste Management integrated with DG

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1. What are the steps involved in SAP EHS Waste Management?

2.For the classification and transport of Hazardous waste, what are the processes/steps involved in SAP EHS:Waste Management and SAP EHS:DG?

3. What master data needs to be maintained?

4. Do we need a content provider for the Waste Management module? What specification type/category does waste management take? Is Substance database (Real_Sub) also necessary?

5. Typically what regulatory content does Waste Management have? what could be the value assignment types for example?

6. Does SERC provide regulatory requirements in all areas - Product Safety (MSDS), DG, Waste Management?

7.How does Waste Management integrate with Warehouse Management? Is there an end-to-end process?

As is the case sometimes, some of these questions might be redundant. A custom query in the forum did not yield answers to some of the specific questions I have mentioned. As always, I would really appreciate your help and inputs here!

Thank you,


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Active Contributor
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Dear Sruthi


1. What are the steps involved in SAP EHS Waste Management?

I am not sure what you are looking for. The customizing steps or the maintenance etc. steps?

2.For the classification and transport of Hazardous waste, what are the processes/steps involved in SAP EHS:Waste Management and SAP EHS:DG?

Not sure waht you are lookoing for. If you take a look in online SAP EHS help the integration between EHS Waset and EHS DG is described including DG master data hanlding etc.

3. What master data needs to be maintained?

You need to maintain data in EHS (create specifications etc.). The online help of SAP explains it including relation to materialside

4. Do we need a content provider for the Waste Management module? What specification type/category does waste management take? Is Substance database (Real_Sub) also necessary?

A content provide is nothing "mandatory"; it is always a "nice to have" and you can use EHS waste without one. In my opinion it is not worth to use a content provider only taking into account EHS Waste Management. Regarding EHS DG and EHS product safety a content provide does have benefits.

5. Typically what regulatory content does Waste Management have? what could be the value assignment types for example?

You handle "only" waste codes (you assigne code to a specificaiotn and assign this via REAL_SUB to a material); please refer to SAP EHS online help; anything is explained there

7.How does Waste Management integrate with Warehouse Management? Is there an end-to-end process?

No direct integration. EHS is integrated with WM and eWM (WM should not be used any more);



6. Does SERC provide regulatory requirements in all areas - Product Safety (MSDS), DG, Waste Management?

To my knowlegde: MSDS is supported, DG is supported; Waste Management: I am not sure; but SREC is a "broad" term; there are several levels (e.g. rulesets, proeprty tree, template etc.)

0 Kudos

Thanks Christoph! Regarding the steps, I need both the steps from user side, and configuration..



Active Contributor
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Dear Sruthi

regarding "User activitites"; Check online SAP help an drill down to the respective EHS chapgter.

regarding configuration: check: and link which is specified therein.


0 Kudos

thank you Christoph!



0 Kudos

Hi CB,

Pls help me regarding Waste List.

How to create the Waste list,waste processing,waste posting.\



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