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SAP EHS Related regulatory data

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Dear All

Thanks for your answer in advance.

One of my customer  is looking for EHS related regulatory data updated in SAP system by third party. (like IATA regulation packaging data) .

Please suggest suitable content providers and method of data integration like down load – upload or any other.

Also during configuration of DGM I   need to cover requisite configuration to validate DG related data at the time of Shipping in SAP? How to..



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Nick,

SAP offers the SERC (SAP EHS Regulatory Content) package, which includes, i.a., regulatory data for a number of national and international regulations. Please see


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Nick

other data providers exists as well. They include this data as well. You find these data providers easily by performing inquires in internet. At least one different provider is well known

Regarding your other topic:

Also during configuration of DGM I   need to cover requisite configuration to validate DG related data at the time of Shipping in SAP? How to.

What you are looking for? The process is shortly like this:

a.) you prepare EH&S standard customizing

b.) you prepare EH&S DG specific cusotmizing

c.) the result is: you can generate the so called Dangerous goods master; this data can be used in SD to "block" movements (= transports) if the movement is not allowed by legislation; so in "Shipping" process you do not "validate" DG data you use DG data and prepare a number of check routines which should be used etc.

Regarding DG topics generally:

refer to:

and all subchapters therein.

Dangerous Goods Management (EHS-DGP); here you will an overview regarding: DG master; and how to use the DG master in shipping etc.


Former Member
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Dear Chirs

As always you help, Thanks so Much.

Question 1

However let me try the explanation more detail. Please correct me if am wrong.

I need to maintain Packaging Requirements DG

  • Inner packaging (For example Glass, Metal, Plastic) etc.
  • Net Quantity per inner packaging ( For example :- 5.0L, 25.0l etc.)
  • Total Net quantity per Package
    • And system to tell that if it has to use IATA or CFR or IMDG.

Is there any table where I can pick the fields for above

Question 2

  • Once I identify and finalize regulatory data provider, I need to prepare on , how to integrate this data with  DG Master Data. How?

Thanks for your help


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Nick

read as a starting point may be:

or/and may be:

(PS you need Enhancement Packages to use some of the DG functionalities (activation of business function is required !))

Some of the questions may be asked. The topic of "packaging" is not easy to understand in context of DG etc. You will find similar thread in this forum dealing with these specialities.

Regarding your other topic. Shortly: you create LS_UN_SUBs and combine them in DG_CL_SUBs. To my knowledge the data of the data providers need to be prepared on LS_UN_SUB level. Then you use the DG_CL_SUB specifications to prepare data on REAL_SUB level. Additional data must be maintained on REAL_SUB level as well. During DG filling the data is the pushed into DG master.

The data maintenance is described on a certain level here:

The DG master is described here:

Hope this helps as a starting point


PS: Check may be as well:

Former Member
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Thanks Tone Chris.

Let me investigate on this and revert back

Thanks for your time.

Have nice week end

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chris

It solved my issue



0 Kudos

Hello Sri,

Could you explain what is your investigation result ?

I have the same objective : finding a DGM data provider for UN/regulation/packaging data ...

Which provider could delivered these data ?

  • SAP EHS Regulatory content ? (I guess it's the ex-CLEO from technidata database)...
  • Ariel 3E EHS ADM ?
  • others ?

thanks for your reply.

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