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Question about the Safety data Sheet Subsequent shipping

0 Kudos

Dear EH&S experts,

I'm trying to fix an issue we have after the implementaion of the SDS manual shipping ;

Issue description : the subsequent shipping of Safety Data Sheet is not working.

I think I'm following the full standard in terms of process :

I flag changes as relevant in my real substance and when I generate a new version of a SDS (Version +1) , it's aslo defined as relevant changes...

In my generation variant, I have also set the "change Marks" option to 2 (Change Mark If Specification Exchanged).

In consequence, the SDS are not resent automatically....

It would be great if somebody could suggest me an idea on this question.

Best regards


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nicolas,

Two things to check:

1. You need to manually release a new main version of the MSDS.

2. The system only does subsequent shipping if you did set the flag for subsequent shipping during the manual send.

You can see if this flag was checked in the report shipment header ('Subseq, shipping' checkbox - on the upper right part)

Hope this helps


0 Kudos

Hello mark,

thanks for your prompt answer but Yes, I was alreday doing what you suggest...

I speak about the new version release of a SDS (for example version 1.1 to version 2.0 - major chnage)

and I flagged subsequent shipping during my manaul shipping/sending of SDS.

bets regards

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Nicolas,

I assume you have the job for the subsequent shipping active and set up the IMG Activity "Assign Check and Subsequent Shipping Functions" (Make sure that you have your customers country (Ship-to partner) listed there).



0 Kudos

Hello Mark,

we schedule the job RCVDDISP , is this one you mean ?

Nevertheless, It's interesting because when I run manually this job, I Receive this message :

error :
Inconsistency between current date and date of last report export
Message no. DV552
An inconsistency occurred between the current date and the date of the last report export:
Current date: 13.03.2012
Last export: 13.03.2012
The following scenarios may occur:
If the last export date is the same as the current date, the report export will have been carried out by the current date.
If the last export date is in the future, the environment parameter RE_LAST_EXPORT that contains the date of the last report export is filled manually with an invalid value.
System Response
Report export was not carried out.

In Customizing, check the environment parameter RE_LAST_EXPORT.
second message :
invalid time period for determination of
subsequent shipping orders (13.03.2012-12.03.2012)

What do you suggest about this parameter (value ?)

Thanks in advance


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nicolas,

Yes - that is the ABAP that needs to be run.

The error message you get when you run it manually indicates, that it did run allready today.

You can check when the job did run with TR SM37.

Did you double check the customizing?



0 Kudos

Hello Mark,

customizing seems ok but still no subsequent shipping...Here are the steps I follow , correct me if you realize something is wrong :

1.I create a sds version 1. for a substance x and and ship it through the manual scenario (CG54 : SEND/ CUSTOMER + CONTACT)...this will lean to one record in CVD1..

2.I change something in the properties of a substance - set the flag "relevant", save , generate a new version  (version 2) of the sds for the substance..

3.In the day +1, I shoud find in CVD1 a new records of sending my sds version 2 to my customer, isn'it ?

thanks for your suggestion.

best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Nicolas,

Sounds good to me.

Just double checking....

1.I create a sds version 1. for a substance x and and ship it through the manual scenario (CG54 : SEND/ CUSTOMER + CONTACT)...this will lean to one record in CVD1..

Make sure that you have the flag "Subseq. Shipping" set in this step.

2.I change something in the properties of a substance - set the flag "relevant", save , generate a new version  (version 2) of the sds for the substance..

Make sure you release the new main version in the same language as you did send the MSDS during the manual shipping.

3.In the day +1, I shoud find in CVD1 a new records of sending my sds version 2 to my customer, isn'it ?

Yes ...

Other things to check in the customizing:

Check if you have REASON = SUB_CALL configured in "Specify Shipping Reason".

In "Assign Check and Subsequent Shipping Functions " make sure that you have for your customers ship to country the jurisdiction and the FMs:

  • Check function for MSDS distribution = CVEM_RDO_CHECK_EU
  • Subsequent Shipping Function = CVE8_RDO_SUBSEQ_REQ_CREATE

If you happened to send it to an US customer no subsequent shipping will take place as the US rules are different....



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