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Property Tree Value Assignment

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Dear Gurus,

I am having one issue with Property Tree.

I want to assign same Value Assignment Type At Different positions in my tree








VALUEX,Y&Z are having respective class and characteristics.

Now my problem is whenever I assign value to VALUEX in my specification, it gets assigned to both places.

I want to assign two different values for VALUEX

Please suggest

Thanks in advance

Accepted Solutions (1)

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VALUELEVE1 contains 2 value assignments VALUEX & VALUY, So in SAP you have create those classes, that good.

In VALUELEVEL2 contains 2 values assignments VALUEZ & VALUEX, but you have created only one class here, so technically if its values assignment is same it will take the same value, where every you maintain that assignment, so, you need to create either new values assignment, something like VALUEA, because the VALUEX is occupied one place in the SAP CLASS table and will display same values where even you maintain.

Note: More over, i never see the same values maintain in the PT in different places for the particular spec, technically, its not suggested.

Hope this will solves your query.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Niketan,

For Value Assignment Types (VATs) the position in the property tree has no influence where / how the data is stored.

If you want to have a similar VAT you need to create it (and the corresponding class and characteristics).

There is now other way around it.

Hope this helps


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Hey Mark,

That confirms our understanding, so we are ending up creating two different classes and characteristic for same makes it difficult to search for that value ...but I think there is no way out..thanks anyways



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Dear Niketan

it does not make that "sense" to use a new class which is doing the same as the other class. It is more or less waste of time (e.g. referring to your topic: .it makes it difficult to search for that value ) What is your real business need to show the two properties in the property tree?

The property tree as such is the "key input tool" and the look and feel is only the framework to maintain some data.  E.g. why should you create class/value assignment type called "density" twice (only as an example). Does not really make sense.

So once again: what is the business need ? Can you explain?


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Hi Niketan,

You said that you didn't want to see values entered in one part of the tree in the other part.

For me this means the property is not the same.



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Dear Niketan

if the assumptions of Mark are correct than I would not use the terms you have shown as you have started the tread. You have a value assignment type and sometimes a class is assigned to it. If there is only one "slight" different than you should not use the same technical key.

Coming back to your example:


------VALUEX                    I have interpreted this as a "technical" key for a value assignment type




------VALUEX                    As you use here the same key it is the same value assignment type

But e.g. if the class in part one should have a characteristic "Remark" and the class for the below part should not have it i strongly recommend not to use the same techncial key for the class nor for the value assignment type and then they are different properties.


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Hi Christoph / Mark,

Thanks for replies.

Yes, I should use different technical keys for value assignment,

I would say business need is I have same property description e.g. Boiling Point

However its value are different in hierarchy. e.g. Under "Outer" Branch it is 100 and  under "Inner" Branch it is 120.

And business need is I want to search for all substances with Boiling point irrespective of which branch in property tree they belong to, also maintain unique characteristic for Boiling point.

(Or it will lead to huge number of characteristics)

However spec search does not work that way , I need to travel through property tree to value assignment for inputting my search criteria

As of now closest option I can think of is Use same characteristic in both different classes.

Develop a custom search / enhance ES in some way, to have input only as characteristic (Irrespective of Property tree / class) and search query on AUSP ...I am not sure where it will lead to in terms of performance at this point.....hope this makes sense...


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Ok update on this, I need not do enhance on ES as there is Out of the box option of searching on characteristics

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Hi Niketan,

For your boiling point example:

I would just use one property for this, and add in a remark field under what 'circumstances' a certain boiling point is valid (in your case "Outer branch" / "Inner branch").

This will allow you to:

  • Search any boiling point / boiling point range - no matter of inner or out branch if you leave the remark field empty
  • Search by only inner branch boiling point / boiling point range if you enter the respective remark as search criteria as well
  • Search by only outer branch boiling point / boiling point range if you enter the respective remark as search criteria as well



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Dear Niketan

Mark has provided the core hints in understanding the EHS data model. I would like only to add some minor on top info:

1.) never ever change/adapt  SAP original class (you can do it in real life but you need to pay attention on future activities)

2.) to provide you a kind of "different" example in the "same" direction

E.g. some times you have the need to print i WWI a temperature in "°C", sometimes in "K" etc. Hre WWi is providing some options so that in theory you need only to enter the value once. As well CG02 help you in "convert" different units; There is only some small but: if people enter CG02 they would like to see their termperature in their dimension.

In this case it can happen that you need two data record with different usage. E.g. one in "°C" which is valid all over the world and the second only valid in "US"/"GB" etc. You can do that by using the "usage".

Generally the whole data model is build up coming from "chemistry" etc. point of view. There is no "branch" specific option. Therefore SAP has improved the data model an you will find of characteristics of type "Remark".

Coming back to your example and that of Mark. IN this case you would enter one data record with 100 °C and addtional remark "outer branch" and second one with 110 °C"  with remark"inner branch"

There is only some "but". If you do nothing special both data records would be used in WWI forprinting and could be used in rulesets; especially in the last case this is a "bad" idea. The ruleset is not abled to identfy the "input" data record properly and therefore it would crash (in most cases)

Therefore: this is one of the reasonswhy the "blue print" phase for set up of EHS and "how to use it etc." should be "longer" to avoid mistakes which you can not repair afterwards.


PS last but not least a kind of "warning". Based on the amount of data in your system and the complexity of sarch criterias and teh SAP set up you can get "time out" errors. Especially the search for values in context of "classes" is sometimes low; PLease check SAP OSS marketplace. Lot of OSS notes are available regarding performance optimizations

PPS: by clever use of usage you can maintain data record e.g. plant specific !