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PPM in Chrome browser - need to open new tab in same window

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We are moving to Chrome browser for SAP PPM S4HANA (earlier we were using Internet Explorer)
When we click on any link e.g. Project in dashboard, the IE browser could open a separate tab and show the entity. But in Chrome, what we are finding is that a totally new window is opened. We want a possibility where the link opens a new tab in the same window.

Best Regards,

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Hello Community,

PPM uses Launchpad technology for navigation. The launchpad customizing (transaction LPD_CUST) can be used to tell the system if a specific navigation should occur "inplace" (i.e. if the navigation target will be shown in the current tab) or whether it should be external (i.e. if a new window or tab will be opened). What this customizing unfortunately cannot do is tell the system whether in the case of external navigation the target will open in a new tab as opposed to a new window. I am not aware of any possibility for the application to control the latter behaviour.

It should however be possible to control this system response at Netweaver Business Client level. As explained in KBA 2425911, you can use the parameter APPLICATION_WINDOW_LAUNCH_MODE with value BROWSER_DEFAULT in the table NWBC_CFG to instruct the system to refer to the browser settings to decide if a new application is launched in a new window or in a new tab. Maintaining such an entry in table NWBC_CFG with transaction SE16 should ensure that e.g. also in Project Management a new project will be opened in a new browser tab (as opposed to a new browser window) when using Chrome browser. You can also refer to KBA 2804066 which contains the same information with a little more detail.

Best regards
SAP Support