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ms access db: oledb connection

0 Kudos

Hi Friends,

I have a requirement to integrate access db systems located at various plants from  the MII  server. To enable connectivity downloaded PCo 2.3 from market place and configured source as OLEDB system and target as the MII system.

This is for POC..

I have installed PCo 2.3 and access db on my laptop and provided the same IP while configuring Data servers connection from the MII server( It is on different IP).


selected  OLEDB ( microsoft jet4.0 OLEDB provider), provided network path under connection tab  ( for testing, I have installed access db on my laptop ) and selected required checkboxes under advanced and other tabs.

similarly for destination MII : All connections were maintained and tested. Agent was also created and could run successfully.( green)

all the test results are as expected. ( source, destination and also agent instance). I am very close to see the result.

while testing from MII server, I am getting " unknow java host exception http:// ................ and in log viewer also, unable to create socket connection error ...

From data servers, I have created a OLEDB connection with SQL ( default) as the connector . Data server connection is also showing red color.

Also ensured .net shared services are active and running. I have provided IP and port .

MII port is             50000

Agent query port is 9000

I want to know  from the forum experts:

1) MII management console default port is 50050. I have used the same while configuring connection from MII server and also enabled the same from network point . Is it the same way I have to call from MII system to connect PCo  for OLEDB connection?

2)If any one has any check list for the same requirement , please let me know.



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Hi Suman,

(which you provide in MII data server screen while creating a PCo server)

is like this:


It does not depends on the agent you want to connect.

The Agent ports are listed out after you have given this URL.

So port for the PCo Management Console is always 50050.


Rohit Negi.

0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

As mentioned, I have not used PCo connector for connecting OLEDB connection. I have used OLEDB connector for connecting from MII.( please correct , if the approach is wrong)

PCo and db both are installed on my Laptop.  I am not clear on PCo server URL which you were referring ..... Do we need to create  a PCo server for the same or will it installs automatically?

Does I need to construct  similar type of URL from MII for OLEDB connector also ? pl clarify.



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The URL I have mentioned in the above reply is of the PCo Management Service i.e. the service which lists out the various agents configured in PCo. This URL is used while connecting from MII to PCo.

You have installed PCo and then you have created a source system and a agent for the msAccess database.

Then you can connect to this agent in PCo from MII using PCo data server.

See this thread for further details:


Rohit Negi.

0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your valuable inputs.

I have created a PCo connector from MII and gave the URL which was mentioned above. Now,  I am getting error as "[C000AC15081900F90000000600001828] Error occurred while fetching the PCo agent list; WSDL could not be found for URL

I tryed the same url in a IE and it is working fine.. could able to see  wsdl  file also.

And in log viewer , log record is coming as GET_PCO_AGENTS_FAILED

[EXCEPTION] Error occurred while fetching the PCo agent list; WSDL could not be found for URL

what could be the problem ?



Active Contributor
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Hi Suman,

A few things to check:

If you are not getting a dialog box in MII asking user credentials when you try to connect to the url, then the request is not even getting to the PCo machine.  When I have had this issue it was either that the MII proxy bypass settings are not configured correctly in System Configuration, or there was some network router configuration between MII and PCo that was blocking the connection.  If you are running MII on a Windows OS,  try to remote desktop connect to the MII server and enter the url from IE on that server to see if it will return a wsdl.



0 Kudos

Hi Steve/ Rohit,

I could resolve after maintaining host entry in the MII server. Thanks for all your support.

