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MII OEE – Goods Movement(GI & GR) App is not working


Dear Experts

We are configuring MII OEE for one of our customers. We are trying out Goods issue & Receipt posting with respect to Production Order using application Launch pad.

We are trying out online option and could not successful in configuring these application. It seems SAP hasn’t delivered any standard transaction (looks like it is available only for EWM, Not for ECC) to integrate with ECC.

Is this need to build custom transaction for posting in ECC through application launch pad?

For Example in the above screen shot, the transaction (SAPMPM/GoodsMovement/EwmMfgGetBatchListForMaterial) not returning anything in the dashboard. When check further, the Function Module itself is not available in ERP (look like the FM is related to EWM). Is it mean that we have to create a new transaction to call the relevant BAPI in ERP? The same thing is applicable for GR App as well.

We are currently in MII 15.2 SP 003(Patch 4) and OEE 15.2 SP003 (Patch 3).

What could be the problem? Are we missing any component? (Or) Create custom transaction is the approach?

Could you through some lights on configuring these application?

Any guide available?

Thanks & Regards,


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I think you do have to create custom transactions to deal with a non emw scenario. Look at the online help I think there is a sap note referenced there defining the interfaces. There may also be some example transactions in the project somewhere.
