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Label printing with Intermac printer using SAP MII

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Hi Experts,

We have a requirement to print the labels directly from SAP MII ADS printing block. We have achieved this task wherever ZEBRA and TOSHIBA printers are used by site team.

We are facing unforeseen challenge when site team is having different model of Intermac and Honeywell printer like: Intermec PM4i, Intermec PX4i, Honeywell PX4ie as print document are reaching till Printer queue and after status changed to printing but document is not coming out of printer.

below is the driver link:

Intermec PM4i :

Honeywell PX4ie:

We have raised the same thing with SAP also but as said the same solution is working with ZEBRA and Toshiba so there is no issue with Printing solution.

We have checked the below link and tried the different format also but no use:

ADS Printing | SAP Help Portal

Any pointers about this printer to make this printer work will be helpful.

Ankit Gupta

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Active Participant

Hi All,

After doing so much of analysis we were able to fix the issue as there was no issue with the MII or SAP NetWeaver configuration.

After doing the firmware upgrade on the printer side, and printer command setting to ipl 2.82.0 printer is accepting the labels from MII ADS printing action block in ipl printing format and labels are printing fine.

Thanks for support and help to fix the issue.


Ankit Gupta