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how to upload phrase set in sap

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do we have standard t code available to upload new phrase sets in sap ? can we use data editor for this ?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Alone for Phrase set the answer is No, Why you want to import the Phrase set, just adopt standard phrase set from SPRO if it is Z u have to create in every client.

And you assign phrase set to phrase from with import from CG33.



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these phrase sets are new to sap provided from serc and need to be in sap before doing phrase set assignment . To my knowledge phrase set cannot be imported by standard t code in sap ehs .

when we adopt standard phrase set through spro, how will it created new phrase set which is not even in sap . If so can you tell me how to do that ?

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Dear Krishna

you "mix" the topics a little bit.

a.) you have a characteristic

b.) this characteristic is "phrase" based

c.) therefore we need a "phrase set"

d.) on the top: using e.g. Cg12 you maintain the "phrase" and "assignment" of a phrase to a phrase set

Comong back to:

" and need to be in sap before doing phrase "

a.) these phrase sets are new to sap provided from serc  => this is only true if you have new class as well in syste, /as you will (refer to a.) to d.) create phrase set and assigne phrases

b.) to my knowledge phrase set cannot be imported by standard t code in sap ehs . => if a characteristic is "phrase" based (or should be) you must "generate" the phrase set (xcheck the many threads here); according tomy knowlegde: you are right. There is no "import" option. But you can upload phrase with assignment of the phrase to many phrase sets (if needed)

c.) how will it created new phrase set which is not even in sap . If so can you tell me how to do that ? =>please refer to the many threads discussed here.


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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Hi ,

SAP will provide DAT file to import phrases check with SAP Notes which is related to SERC phrases.


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0 Kudos

Dear Krishna

not sure what you are looking forl. I assume you are looking for "assignment of phrase to established phrase set"

For this you can use CG12 (manual part). For "import" etc. options: refer to my answer in paralell thread

C. B.:


PPS: DataEditor is only available as service from SAP.. PLease check new options of SAP OCC as discussed in many paralell threads; never used OCC for import purpose