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How to export project with a command?

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I'm using git as a version control system and I very often unpack the content of an MII project onto my git repository to check if anything has been changed by other people... I need to do the following steps:

MII Menu -> login + password -> System Management -> Projects -> select a [project] -> click on Export -> Save As -> Save

My question is: is there any other way to get the [project] in .zip format? With a script? Or with a web service command? Just to avoid the steps above...

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Well XMII/Workbench.jsp will give you back the jnlp so I think you can trigger it with the javaws command if you don't want to use your browser. I know you can also run it from the java control panel if you have already downloaded all of the libs. I am sure you can also just run it directly if you have all of the libs downloaded, it will just ask you for the server url and your login info when it starts up. Don't have all the details because its not typically necessary to run it other than the typical way.