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How to add additional Phrase sets to new characteristic assignments

0 Kudos

Hello all,

We have been using EH & S for a couple years. Last year we upgraded ECC6.0 to Enhancement pack 3 but did not take over the new value assignment & classes. Followed SAP Note 1146700 - Method 3 and created transport for new value assignments & classes form client 000 and applied. Also followed SAP Note 1223010 and moved the SAP supplied transport for the new help text for value assignments. There are no phrase sets for new characteristics in client 000.

Now trying to assign the Phrase set to characteristic but no phrase set exists for new characteristic. How do you get the new Phrase sets setup?

Kind Regards,


Edited by: Bob House on Apr 1, 2010 3:13 PM

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Bob,

Carry out Configuration activity - Generate Standard Phrase sets, system will automatically create you the standard phrase sets and would also assign them to the characteristics.

SPRO ---Environment, health and safety -

Basic Data and Tools -

Specification management -

Specification Database structure -

Generate Standard Phrase sets.



0 Kudos

Hello Jayakumar,

Thanks for the reponse. This is not a new implementation of EH&S and I was lead to believe that the process you suggest would write over any phrase sets of our own that we may have added. Will the configuration activity do this?

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Bob,

"Assignments of phrase sets to characteristics that already exist are not overwritten by the system" - You may check the respective implementation notes. System only creates a new phrase set for characteristics of size 30, and assigns the phrase sets to characteristics for which no phrase set assignment are made.



0 Kudos

Thanks Jayakumar, that worked.

Best Regards,


Former Member

Hi Bob,

Just wanted to add a quick note about "Generate Standard Phrase Sets" (transaction CGBB). As indicated, this will automatically create phrase sets for Char 30 characteristics and assign them in the phraseset-characteristic table (transaction CGAB). There are some Char30 characteristics that shouldn't necessarily be phrase based (many non-standard unit characteristics for example). Using CGBB, and then running the match-up master data transaction can leave you with characteristics that should be free text but don't allow free text due to the phrase check function being assigned. If you run into this scenario, find the characteristic in CGAB, remove the phrase set assignment, and then run transaction CGCZ with the "Activate phr. assgt to charac." flag checked. That will remove the phrase check function and let you enter free text again.



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