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GLM Printing - is there a SAP transaction that I can check on the number of labels printed out

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I've got a question from a user whether it is possible to find out in SAP how many drum labels were printed off from a specific Batch.

They are looking around Label Reconciliation and would like to know how many labels were printed so they can determine from the Batch card how many are needed to be destroyed by QA.

I did think of S_SH8_84000399 transaction but it doesn't give the level of detail as indicated above.

I don't think the print log from the servers would help either as it just tells you what labels were printed but it wouldn't be the most effective way nor fulfil the requirements.

Many thanks.


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Active Contributor
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Hi Maria ,

CBGLWB is t code work bench for Label management you can find all details related to label and which package of sap you r using

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Hi Satya

When I put CBGLWB into the box on SAP, it comes back as not exist so I can't proceed on this one. I'll see if I can get someone to help me who has programming knowledge. Many thanks.


Active Contributor
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Dear  Maria

for use of so called "GLM+" you must have the "right" SAP software in place (and according to my knowlegde) you must activate a Business Function.

T code: CBGLWB belonsg to "GLM". If you haven't used in the past "GENIFIX" (hint of Satya) or if you might still use it. forget about that. With S/4 HANA at least you will have no support any more


PS: check this very good document describing GLM+: