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GLM printer determination



We are currently running SAP GLM , with GLMPT (no spool).

I would like to know if there is a user exit available that could allow me to determine the printer to be used (driver), based on the Template, or generation variant.

It means we would like the "Printer" field in CBGL_MP01 to be recalculated when selecting a Template.

The need is related to GHS color or black and white, depending on regulation.

If the Template is non regulated, I want the system to direct the Template to the right printer.

thank you for your support


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Dear Mark

may be read first this document:

and this

My "Story" would be like this:

1.) you have an object in EHS having data (for Labels in most cases a REAL_SUB)

2.) Then you have a WWI template defined which can retrieve data from EHS and other SAP applications (e.g. MM, SD etc.)

3.) then you have assigend the wwi template to a generation variant (and maintained data according to GLM rules (e-g- labelstock) and other data

4.) you have prepared other GLM relevant customizing

5.) you have one material which you focus on and there you have prepared the so called "GLM view" with data

Now you use the "label print dialog". In using this dialog some "process" used to select the "labels to be printed" (e.g. is based on scenario (e.g. make to order etc.))

Based on any available data (your customizing, master data set up etc.) the "Label Determination" process will be executed. In doing so the "needed" labels to be printed are selected

Now the "next crucial" step is coming (e.g mark the relevant labels and then start printing).

This printing depends on "scenatio", "location" , "type of printer needed" etc. Not all of these topcis can be derived in the "Label tree"

Therefore it is not part of WWI layout or generation variant defnition.

You would like now to get some "support" in "finding the right printer" to use (as part of the process)

PLease confirm that this is what you are looking for. Thanks


PS: could be of interest too

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Participant
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Not sure if this is resolved or not, check the configuration entry - Specify Print Destination under GLM configuration list; you can use Generation Variant and Printer combination.

Thanks and Regards


0 Kudos

Hello Christoph,

quite interesting.

we are going to look in that direction

thanks for your help.

0 Kudos

Hi Marc,

Did you resolve this? if yes, could you post how it was solved? Thanks!



0 Kudos


Yes I confirm that we're running the process as described from 1) to 5).

Labels are correctly determined via this process. And users usually have a default printer (via parameter ID).

The problem is occuring at the last step, just before to print. Users are alternatively printing GHS regulated and non regulated labels. First one is color and 2nd one black and white. If I define my WWI virtual driver as color, it works for GHS regulated, and also for non regulated but in that case my black and white copy is considered by the printer as a color copy : significant impact in terms of cost. In fact we pay a color copy for a black and white Template.

That means users have to manually change the driver depending on the classification, which is not the best option.

I'm looking for a way to automatically choose the printer depending on the label/variant selected.

Hope it's clear.



Hello, thank you for your feedback.

I confirm that we are running the process as described from 1) to 5).

The issue is on the last step before printing : selecting the printer.

The users are printing alternatively GHS regulated and non regulated labels. First one as color printing, 2nd one as black and white.

Off course my non regulated Template is back and white but the driver I use the same driver from WWI server, it's either balck and white or color. If not, even if the label is printed in b&w, th printer considers 1 copy in color (which has a significant impact in terms of cost when managing printer through leasing).

So I would like to know if there is an exit that allow me to select the driver when slecting the Template.

Hope it's clear


Active Contributor
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Dear Marc

check BadI: BAdI: Display Label Tree in 'Label Printing

BAdi does have some methods which migh be capable to solve your topic

Check e.g.:

Take a look here: