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Error messages for Metrics in RPM

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Hi All,

I am getting the following error messages when working with ITEM Metrics and Key Figures in RPM5.0.

Cannot convert key figure value (COST_LAUNCH) to metrics unit or currency

No key figures exist for the object for key figure definition COST_LAUNCH

No key figures exist for the object for key figure definition Actual Costs

Error while creating an administrator key figure (ADM_VAR)

Error while creating an administrator key figure (ADM_VAR)

I have made all the necessary customizing setting in IMG for metrics and Key Figure Definitions.

Can anyone help me with how to solve these error messages.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi All,

I have now removed the Key Figures mapping to the metrics and still in the UI when I navigate to Deliverables Tab in Portfolio Management I am getting the error Error while creating an administrator key figure (ADM_VAR).

Configuration I have maintained are as follows:

1.Created a Metrics Group

2.Created a Metric

3.Created a Metric Value Type

4.Assigned the Metric Value type to Metric Group

In the Item Type I have maintained the created Metric Group, metric and value type. When I navigate to metrics in UI, I can observe that the metrics text is coming as editable field with no value (Even though I have maintained description for the Metrics in customizing).

Thanks and Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Priyatham,

after changing the customizing for the keyfigures we see sometimes errors. Could you please check Note 1477511 which explains how to fix this?

Best Regards, Andrea

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Hi Andrea,

Thanks for the input, I have executed the report as mentioned in the SAP Note. But still the error message

Error while creating an administrator key figure (ADM_VAR) is displayed.

Thanks and Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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did you check if the user added in the keyfigure has sufficient authorization? The problem could be that there is a inconsistency of the data. Does the error also occur with newly created objects?


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Hi Andrea,

I was on vacation and hence couldn't reply and now I am back in office.

The issue was with the variant used for the key figure. Once the key figure is deleted from the configuration the error message is not occurring anymore. One more issue that I am facing is that the text maintained for metrics is not being displayed in UI.

In UI the metrics are being displayed as empty editable fields. This is occurring only for Metrics and not for metric groups and metric value types. I am not able to identify the reason for this. It would be great if I can get any help on this.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi Andrea,

The issue has been solved. Check box for 'Object Manager' was not selected in the customizing for metrics management in Define Object Types.

Thanks and Regards,


Former Member
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Hi Priyatham,

I'm facing some problem in the Key figure definition only. I'm using the standard available Report for Key figure. But its throwing the Error like, "Report not exist in the Source system". I can see that report in the SE38. Then what could be the reason?

It would be very helpful, if I get some sort of help.

