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Dynamic Text output issue

Former Member
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Dear experts

Dynamic text fonts are working fine as required in development and Quality systems, but the same dyn text are not displayed or not working in production server. We tried to refresh the server also but still it is not fetching the result as required. Since it is working fine in other environment, the issue is not with template formatting. Can you please provide some tips on this


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Active Contributor
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Dear Ashish

i am not sure regarding your description.

First: if you would use "Report from template" in prod => what happens? is danymic text adaption working?

Second: how many WWI servers are attached to Prod? are they set up all the same (WWI, Word etc.)?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Ashish,

There is issue with your WWI server same template is working fine in Q environment right ....

Just check WWI installation properly .... which may cause the problem in DYN text.



Former Member
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Hi Mark

Thanks for the reply

We already re- imported the templates from Quality, but still the issue persists. Just to give a try to check if there is any issue with the import and the file is getting corrupted during import, we tried by pasting entire code of quality in the production template and checked the output(I know this is not the correct method, but we wanted to narrow down with all the doubts) . This time the Dyn text was working fine but got issue with graphic output (dont know why)

However as suggested by you, we will check the other two options also.


Active Contributor
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Hi Ashish,

If it was working with the manual copy - then the text sizing on the PROD WWI Server is working in general.

I would suggest the following in PROD:

  • Re-Import the template
  • delete the character sizing
  • save the document
  • add the character sizing into the text boxes again

Hope this helps


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Ashish,

In my experience this kind of issue is mostly related to the actual template.

If you think it is the WWI Servers compare the WWI.ini - if they are identical do the following:

Connect the QA WWI Server to SAP PROD and check if text sizing is working:

If it is working - something is wrong with your PRDO WWI Server(s). Re-build them from scratch or clone them from QA.

If it is NOT working - the issue is on the WWI Template. Export it from QA and IMPORT (with the SAP transaction) it into PROD.

Hope this helps
