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DPR_FIN_GECCO004 "The settings for Accounting integration contain errors"

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Hi all,

I have the same trouble with Accounting Integration in new project:

But this links isn't solve my problem. I've checked all following customizing in cProjects from detailed info from Message no. DPR_FIN_GECCO004:

1) Did you assign an object type to the project type for communicating with the accounting system? (See the IMG activity Make General Settings).

I've used predefined standard:

- object type: Single-Obj. Controlling on WBS Elements (0FIN_INT_ERP_PS)

- frame: 0FRAME9

- no costing: empty

- revenue calc type: Use costs/revenue rates from cProjects

2) Does this object type have the proxy class CL_DPR_OLR3_GECCO (for single-object controlling on internal orders) or CL_DPR_OLR3_WBSELEMENT (for single-object controlling on WBS elements)? (See the IMG activity Define Object Types for Object Links).

Yes, proxy class is correct (CL_DPR_OLR3_WBSELEMENT).

But I'm not sure that object type is active. I've viewed table V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP and the field Active is empty for this object type (0FIN_INT_ERP_PS)

Besides, I can't see this object type (0FIN_INT_ERP_PS) in the following setting:

SPRO -> ... -> Structures -> Define Object Types for Object Links (from message)

But I can see it here:

SPRO -> ... -> Connection to External Systems -> Accounting Integrations -> Define Object Links for Accounting Integration

Is it correct?

3) Has an RFC destination been entered in this object type? (See the IMG activity Define Object Types for Object Links).

Yes, but not in this setting (see point 2).

4) Have you chosen a suitable setting for confirmation with regards to 'Time Recording for' in the project type so that it matches the integration scenario? (See the IMG activity Define Project Types.) For example, time recording for roles is not permitted in a structure-based scenario.

My setting is: 'Time Recording for' - Tasks

Is anybody knows a solution of this trouble???

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Answers (1)

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You can see the details of the errors in transaction COCPCPR. Please check and post the details.



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Thanks for your advice, Vivek!

Oh, controlling cockpit...

But can't run this transaction (COCPCPR) in the system where was installed cProjects - system message:

Transaction COCPCPR does not exist

Message no. S#343

Probably the reason is that the system not contains ERP installation, only cProjects and Solution Manager?

And there is another question. I have troubles with this setting: Replicate Cost/Revenue Rates. System error message:

Cost/revenue rate <ZZZZ>: organizational unit <XXXXXXX> does not exist

Message no. BL001

Only when I manually create organizational unit with the same number <XXXXXXX> in target system, system error message disappears.



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In the target R/3 system COCPCPR shows a lot of messages like this:

Object not known in CO

Message no. IAOM028


You want to post to the object with technical key E002D524BF9325F1A9D3001A4BE638F6 belonging to business scenario cProjects. However, there is no Controlling object assigned to this object.

System Response

Processing stopped.



You bill an order item in an external system and transfer the billing document to R/3 Accounting. An error occurs when the CO account assignment is determined, since the order item is not yet assigned to a Controlling object. The error occurs either when the order item is transferred to R/3, or while the transferred order item is being processed: Check the transfer log for the order item in the external system, and start the transfer of the order item again. Then start the transfer of the billing document to R/3 Accounting again.

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few thing to check

1. Are you providing Org Unit in cProjects in additional data tab? If not Provide that, that should exist with Cost Center.

2. In config of Cost revenue rate, make sure the OU exists in cProjects system and Connected ECC system

3. check Integration with Other MySAP components > cProjects > accounting setting in ECC system


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1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Proj Profile CPR0001 (created manually)

Everything Ok with CO acc. integration (1 CO-order created automatically for whole cProjects project), but with PS (multilevel) - not. I think that it's because of version of ECC is SAP R/3 4.7...

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Thats correct Tony...

PS Multilevel with 4.7 i doubt if it works...


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Thanks for all replicants! The problem seems with version of the ECC: PS acc. int. not supported by SAP R/3 ver.4.7. We can do nothing with it.

