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DEV SAMPLE - Would UN Number output appear on labels?

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Could you advise/confirm whether the UN number output would normally be pulled from SAP if it is  DEVSAMPLE, please?

I have been asked to include/enable the UN number output to a sample template but the relevant WWI coding is already in place for it.

I have ensured the following:

DEVSAMPLE is added to the Material Assignment tab to a REAL_SUB code

DEVSAMPLE exists in the relevant Plant in Material Master

The label template has the necessary WWI coding output.

I have made comparisons in CBGL_MP01 by entering the REAL_SUB code, selected the hazard sample label and the UN number outputs.

But when I entered DEVSAMPLE, selected the REAL_SUB that is relates, the UN number does not output at all even though the same label template was selected.

So, does this mean UN number won't output if it's a DEVSAMPLE?

If it doesn't, is there any way for it out pull the information from SAP and enable its output?

Is there somewhere in SAP configuration to make it work?

Many thanks.


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Hi maria,

There is no changes in template for sure,

Just run DGE5 giving the material number as DEVSAMPLE because there is no DG master data for the material that's the reason its not picking the UN number and UN number they are not picking from identifier as i observed through your template it is taking from DG master data. 

DGNU - its picking UN number

Just DG filling for the material and check in CBGL_MP01 then you will get the UN number on label.



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Thanks Satya. I'm going to get the site to test this out on PPS. I don't normally run DGE5 transaction as it's not within my area of responsibility so I will let them do it and let me know.

Thanks a lot for your advice. I hope this will resolve their issue.

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Dear Maria

some of your feedback is not "100% clear"...

I have issues with this block of information:

"They then add DEVSAMPLE in CG02 > Material Assignment tab in the REAL_SUB. This then enables all the REAL_SUB data to pull in when in CBGL_MP01 for labels.

In CBGL_MP01 mode > Generic tab, they enter DEVSAMPLE in Material field, then the Sel. List: Specification list appears where they select the relevant REAL_SUB which is the product under development. It then brings up the labels."

If i "misread" it then this might be your set up:

you have material number "DEVSAMPLE": you have assigne this to more ! than one REAL_SUB...

This would be "wrong" set up. But may be I did not get your story.

Can you please answer this;

a.) you have REAL_SUB

b.) you assigned "DEVSAMPLE" as materual number to  this REAL_SUB

c.) is there a "second" material assigned (by hazard) to same REAL_SUB? Can you checkl label here?

If I understood you correct you have one material number "SAMP" (and here UN Number is printed" and DEVSAMPL it is not printed: But I donot know if both matnr as really assigned to same REAL_SUB

Coming back to your WWI story: Here you use a beginning group checking  for language (Z9).THis can be "problamatic" later

IN context fo "

In CBGL_MP01 mode > Generic tab, they enter DEVSAMPLE in Material field, then the Sel. List: Specification list appears where they select the relevant REAL_SUB which is the product under development. It then brings up the labels.

The same list of labels appears even if just the REAL_SUB code is used so it isn't like I'm selecting a different label. It's the sample label template, same generation variant and same label size/stock."

you are "wrong" to a certaín extent. If you do no tuse proper mat nr the result can not be the same of you use Matnr (sometimes).

you need to understand: on WWI document master data is printed (using WWI techniques). And there is a risk that of you use matnr 1 attached to same REAL_SUB as matnr 2 you get different result (and because we use here GLM print trasnaction we have more issues as if we would discuss e.g. CG54)

I still try to digest what you have explained.


PS: and I have some trouble in your WWI code; there is no indication which "transport regulation" you would liek to print; and as explained:

for one matnr for ADNR you can have "UN number"  but for IMDG yo can not have "Un number"...

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Dear Maria

please check:

Output of Dangerous Goods Data on Labels - Global Label Management (EHS-SAF-GLM) - SAP Library

Check this part of online help:

Recommendation Recommendation

If you want to output the data for several dangerous goods regulations on one label, enclose the data with the repeating group of type Parameter Hierarchy and enter the parameter hierarchy Dangerous Goods Regulations. For more information about parameter hierarchies, see Parameter Hierarchy.

You use different approach to print DG data; the above mentioned variant is the "safer" variant.

As explained: for DG data to print in WWI reports we have two levels of options.

Option 1.) print on" higher" level (refer to the link to SDS/MSDS generation)

Option 2.) use "most specific data". Refer to the new link

The issue with the last one is: we don'T talk any more about "substance report symbols"  any more but "parameter report symbols". These are "expanded" only in "final run" (final report).


PS: I must correct myself a little bit. Using the last option:; you can print using WWI data from DG Master; for SDS/MSDS you normally are not interetsed to print it like that

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Dear Maria

may be check as well:

and there subchapter

4) Integrating Dangerous Goods Data into the Safety Data Sheet


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Dear Satya

as explained: The existence of a DG master is no guarantee that there is a "UN number"; There is some chance that for this material (and the relevant DG regulations) no UN number is needed. But you are right: the existence of the DG master is prerequisite to "may be" print an UN number


PS: which mode of transport (DG regulation); Validity area is in scope in your example?

PPS: please show definition of generation variant (especially which special validity areas are used

Why do you use in the one repeating group language "Z9"? The lnaguage topic is handled in many cases different

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Hi Maria,

please confirm me below

DGNU - its picking UN number

DId you filled (DGE5) DG master data for DEVSAMPLE ? check DGTMD tables ?

are you using same REAL_SUB in both cases ?

I think DEVSAMPLE is material is it ?

Your DEVSAMPLE is marked as env relevant ?

In label data field did you maintained Gen variant or label stock correctly ?

Because your using same master data (real_sub) n same template in both cases but material is change please correct me if i'm wrong here.

So please check your material data once.

I hope this clarifies.



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Hi Satya,

I have checked DEVSAMPLE in MM > Basic Data 2 tab and the Environmentally Relevant box is ticked.

I also checked  the REAL_SUB and it has the box ticked, too.

I'm not sure whether I am explaining myself that well but just to re-clarify:

The site is using DEVSAMPLE as material code for products under development.

They then add DEVSAMPLE in CG02 > Material Assignment tab in the REAL_SUB. This then enables all the REAL_SUB data to pull in when in CBGL_MP01 for labels.

In CBGL_MP01 mode > Generic tab, they enter DEVSAMPLE in Material field, then the Sel. List: Specification list appears where they select the relevant REAL_SUB which is the product under development. It then brings up the labels.

The same list of labels appears even if just the REAL_SUB code is used so it isn't like I'm selecting a different label. It's the sample label template, same generation variant and same label size/stock.

Does SAP prevent UN numbers from populating if the Material is DEVSAMPLE?

There is nothing in the WWI coding that suggests there is a condition placed in there but I wonder if there is a link that needs creating for DEVSAMPLE to DG Reg list.

Thanks, Maria

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Dear Maria

i try to write down what I understood and then I will ask questions:

DEVSAMPLE represents a material number. You have set up this using MM01 and you have linked it to REAL:_SUB (DEVSAMPLE is added to the Material Assignment tab to a REAL_SUB code)

The material number as an assigned plant (DEVSAMPLE exists in the relevant Plant in Material Master)

The issue starts with your "statement":

"The label template has the necessary WWI coding output."

Which code did you use???

Here Satya comes in place with his hint:;

Can you please check the label template any code for identifier 01GESTRLTXTF(I;NUM,UN,;*)>

This is, as a starter a good hint, but there are additional checks needed.

But we must look from the other direction:

UN numbers are related to the so called "dangerous goods master". In the dangerous goods master normally you set up transport regulations as: ADR, ADNR, IMDG...

Now, because for regulation: for transport using ADR we can have a UN number, but for same material but different regulation we do no have a "UN number"

The "print" of DG data is normally done in SAP SD using "very special" routines. If you must print DG data on WWI document: sorry. the so called "chapter 14" of SDS/MSDS does only support DG print on "higher level" and you can not print by standard data from DG master,. You can have cases in which this level is not ok (special cases of DG handling). But as we talk about GLM: here you must (in most cases9 support these special cases as well.

To make it short:  I am not aware of standard EHS symbols considering the "Special" cases in DG handling.  You can "only" handle normal cases (in most cases cases:9 5% of the business is supported) , This is explained in Online help. You will therefore find information "how to print DG data". BUt in your case we come to the "most complex scenario".  To print the "right data" we need ot know: which transport mode (precisely: which regulation is needed). And in most cases: you can create one WWI template to handle all (but you need to "remove" data). Or you can create per regulation own template (and increase complexity in label printing)

Which approach did you use (e.g. refer to hints of Satya here(

Check therefore may be;

and this chapter in online help

Integration of Dangerous Goods Data in Material Safety Data Shee - Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) - S...


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Hi Christophe,

Please see my reply to Satya relating to some of the points raised. I've added some attachments as well.

Just to summarise, when in CBGL_MP01 > I use an actual REAL_SUB code, select a label that has the UN number coding output on the template, it outputs the UN number.

But when I enter DEVSAMPLE, select the REAL_SUB it relates from the pop up box, select the same label, the UN number does not output even though it worked under the REAL_SUB.

So, for me, the template is ok as it has the coding on it, the correct DG regs in the REAL_SUB, but it does not work when I enter DEVSAMPLE.

Thanks a lot.


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Hi Maria,

Could you advise/confirm whether the UN number output would normally be pulled from SAP if it is  DEVSAMPLE, please?

Yes we can out UN number on label

Can you please check the label template any code for identifier 01GESTRLTXTF(I;NUM,UN,;*)>

So that it call pull the data for UN Number.

I have ensured the following:

DEVSAMPLE is added to the Material Assignment tab to a REAL_SUB code

DEVSAMPLE exists in the relevant Plant in Material Master

The label template has the necessary WWI coding output.


Will you please check this threads.

And also check in configuration if your label category is not checked with NoDGReg.......

If you select this checkbox, only those report generation variants for which the validity areas do not contain dangerous goods regulations are taken into account during label determination for the label category.

This setting can be made regardless of whether the system found dangerous goods regulations during label determination. This means that the dangerous goods regulations no longer have to be specified in the corresponding report generation variants and can be used for materials that are relevant for dangerous goods and materials that are not relevant for dangerous goods.

The number of report generation variants is reduced as follows during label determination:

If dangerous goods regulations exist or if the material that is to be labeled is relevant for dangerous goods, only those report generation variants are used for which the validity area contains the dangerous goods regulations found.

If no dangerous goods regulations exist or if the material that is to be labeled is not relevant for dangerous goods, only those report generation variants are used for which the validity area does not contain dangerous goods regulations

I hope this clarifies your question.



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Hi Satya,

To answer your questions:

1) Identifier 01GESTRLTXTF(I;NUM,UN,;*) is not used as coding but I have enclosed a snip of the coding used.

2) SAP Config was checked and the No DGReg option had not been selected therefore this isn't causing the issue (snip below)

One thing I didn't crucially mention was that the label template selected in CBGL_MP01 actually outputs the UN number when it the live sample code is used. For example, ABC1234/SAMP, the label outputs the UN number.

But when I enter DEVSAMPLE in CBGL_MP01 and then select REAL_SUB ABC1234 and select the sample label template, the UN number does not output.

This is why I'm questioning whether the UN number would still populate if the material is DEVSAMPLE.

In CG02, I enter the REAL_SUB ABC1234 and in the Material Assignment tab, I enter DEVSAMPLE as the material.