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Decimal values are getting changed in qe71 report

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Here the user is facing an issue in inspection report.

In the report for one material the decimal value is 2 and for another material the decimal values is 3. We have checked the decimal values of the inspection characters in routing. For both the material the value are maintained as 3. But still the material is showing a wrong decimal value.

Proper one

Wrong one

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Active Contributor
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Hard to say. These are custom reports and we wouldn't know exactly where your program pulls the values from. Are these in two different plants by any chance? There are plant level values in QM config that could impact this.

The one thing I notice is that in the 'proper' report, there are multiple decimal types. I.e. 2 decimals, 3 decimals and no decimals.

The 'wrong' report shows 2 decimals across all the values.

If this is the same report, in the same plant, than I have to assume you have different plans or are using independent characteristics spec values in the plan. Possibly the 'wrong' plan wasn't set up with independent specs or the plan being used is incorrect.. for instance, the characteristics weren't unlocked and modified.

Very hard for us to troubleshoot this since this is a custom report. QE71 is just the transaction. There is a program and SAPscript behind that.
