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Country based blocking system SVT

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Hi experts,

We have a scenario in which purchase of certain materials to be blocked only in specific countries/regions.

For example, purchase of a material has to be blocked in Europe, but purchase of the same material should be allowed in US etc. However, we are not interested in Volume tracking.

One way I can think of achieving this is by creating multiple regulations for individual regions and assigning them in 'prohibitions and restrictions' value assignment of puresub property tree. I have done this and was successful in achieving the goal.

But my question is, is there any simpler way of doing this with a single regulation? That means with a single regulation can I block purchase of one material in one region, but allow the same in another region?

Please advise.



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Active Contributor
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Dear Balu

not sure about your solution and your demand. (One way I can think of achieving this is by creating multiple regulations for individual regions and assigning them in 'prohibitions and restrictions' value assignment of puresub property tree. I have done this and was successful in achieving the goal.) => not a bad choice; but not what SVT is describing to use

Did you use now SVT yes or no?

I assume now yes: Basis is your description:

"For example, purchase of a material has to be blocked in Europe, but purchase of the same material should be allowed in US etc. However, we are not interested in Volume tracking."

SVT needs always a "country/region" specific "regulatory list", And it can only be one ! list per country/region. Using the SAP SVT standard approach you should be able to "activate" blocking without tracking, based on data maintained (e.g. SVT is using POS, NEG).

Coming back to" That means with a single regulation can I block purchase of one material in one region, but allow the same in another region?" my answer would be "no" Or may be I did not catch your demand).

Example; TSCA is the regulation for US. so if material is purchased in US SVT will detect the regulation "TSCA" and can block if needed. But if the same material is purchased in europe SVT will not block because of "TSCA" (because TSCA is not relevant int this case) but may be because of REACH. Normally the SVT is set up is done in such kind that only in the "relevant" cases the block will come.

Reason. is: the system need to "know" the system reaction; this reaction is country/region specific and therefore you must use on "regulatory list" per country. No overlap should be allowed.

E.g. you could think about to deal with "CWC international" and "CWC US". But as "US" is part of "validity area" REG_WORLD you have no "clear" option to maintain data etc.

May I misinterpret your demand.


PS: check may be:

and more specific this thread

Document: could be of interest as well

PPS: ,may be this discussion might be of interest too:Blocking Hazardous Materials for Purchasing with HSM, WM | ABAP,&nbsp...

Check mainly SAP online help. E.g.

Substance Volume Tracking - Product Safety (EHS-SAF) - SAP Library

and there this note from SAP:

The substance volume tracking supports the following functions:

  • Compliance with legal regulations
    • Evaluation of tracked quantities with traffic light status
    • Support of quantity-dependent regulations
    • Support of quantity-independent regulations
      Note NoteFor the support of quantity-independent regulations, also note the documentation for the IMG activities Set Up Notification Check und Set Up Monitoring for TSCA 12B in Customizing for substance volume tracking.
Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi CB,

Yes, your understanding is correct.

I wanted to know if a single regulation can block/allow purchase of a material based on region/validity area. I understood that this is not how the product is built from you.

Thank you for the support.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Balu

I am still not sure if we are "aligned" in the understanding how SVT works. May be check e.g. Note 1896788:Notification check: blocked documents are not displayed

and similar OSS notes.

C.B .

PS: in regards to your answer:

I wanted to know if a single regulation can block/allow purchase of a material based on region/validity area

E.g. per region use use a regulation. E.g. JP, CN, KR, US, etc. any of these countries will get in SVT setup one "assigned" regulatory list.  And this list (and the corresponding data) os checked if there is the need to block a PO for e.g. JP, CN etc. BUt you can not use two lists in SVT for the same country/region.