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Contact Anonymization in SAP C4C


Contact anonymization is not possible in SAP C4C can you please confirm on this, I see that under Data Protection and Privacy we can only remove the entire contact, but if we need to anonymize the Contact i don't see there is any feature can you please confirm the same. Also i found the below blog which mentions the same.

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Dear Customer,

Kindly follow the below steps to anonymize the contact details: (Below is an example)

  1. Go to Customer workcenter
  2. Go to Contacts view
  3. Select the Contact: ABC for example
  4. Navigate to the Sales Quotes tab
  5. Ensure that the status of the Sales Quote is in Completed Status
  6. Now, Go to Data Protection and Privacy workcenter
  7. Go to Personal Data Removal view
  8. Select All Contacts from the dropdown
  9. Search for Contact: ABC
  10. Choose Remove Data and Delete

Now go back to the Sales Quote and see that the Contact Information is anonymized XXXX as expected.

Please ensure that the Sales Quotes/Sales Orders under the Contact are in Completed status.

Important Note: 

Depersonalize: Documents that have business value, even if no personal data is available, are depersonalized. The system removes all the personal data, but retains the business data. The documents are still in the system and an authorized person can access them. However, these documents can no longer be changed.
Since depersonalization removes all personal information, the processed objects are no longer available with the My <business object> filter. Some data in a depersonalized document is replaced by XXXX, and others, such as, attachments, are deleted. The transaction itself remains, but the personal data is either removed completely, or replaced with XXXX.

Please refer to the below SAP Help Documentation:

Personal Data Protection and Privacy | SAP Help Portal

Thanks and Regards,
