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CG42 / WWI template not working after upgrade to SAP GUI 7.4

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

I was having SAP GUI 7.3 version till yesterday which was working fine. Today morning I have installed SAP GUI 7.4 and the problem started. Problem is, now CG42 template is not working properly.

Not able to save any template, now able to see the preview, in short nothing is working.

it's now not even allowing me to go back to old 7.3 version

Microsoft word I have not changed anything. Below is the setting of MS word

Can you please help me to solve this problem. it will be of great help as my total work is at Halt since morning 😞

Thanks a lot in advance...


Amol Joshi

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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Dear Amol

by whatever reason: the issue you detected is well known... Why SAP is not able to avoid this,.. So why not to have a "stable installation" locally without disruptung what does work?

If you check

you will find "similar" threads". Proposal: Try to install WWI locally


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs. After spending lot of time, raised an issue with SAP. It was indeed a fault in GUI. They helped me to correct few registry keys of my PC. [ Ideally when new GUI was installed, these registry keys must have been changed (from old to new) which didn't happened in this case].

and now problem is resolved.

Thanks Satya and Christoph for your helps.

Active Contributor

Dear Amol

something like your result was what i have had in mind/expected. I do no understand why SAP can not deliver the solution in such a way that this finding will not happen (but it is happening in real life quite often based on experience)


Active Contributor

Hi Christoph,

At least for all the business user you can use the synchronous WWI - Server to eliminate that problem.
However for the folks that need to do WWI Layouting a local WWI installation is still required.


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0 Kudos

Dear Mark

this "synchronous WWI" option seem snot to be used often; even if it would really help in context of this topics (as you don not need any more a local WWI installation). Only, as explained by you, if you "design" a WWI document you would need a local WWI document


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Christoph,

this "synchronous WWI" option seem snot to be used often

True - this is why I'm trying to promote it! 🙂

It's fairly new and not all consultants know about it. I have it up and running at two clients and so far we have not encountered any issues with it - just the benefits of NO local WWI installation and all the associated pain points....

Give it a try!


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Amol

any rpogress here based on feedback as provided?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Amol,

I dont know why you facing the error cause i'm using the same gui 7.4 but it is working fine. Try to install gui once again and check.

