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Budget Availability Control and Commitments (SAP Project System)

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Hello All,

I have been testing two S/4HANA system connections regarding the above-mentioned subject. In both systems, I have maintained the configuration for budget profile and availability control in which the system checks the budget on annual level (no overall and no release), and also maintaining the tolerances for the project's controlling area. In addition, I have created a project with its WBS elements, budgeted them using CJ30 transaction, and then created external activities in CJ20N to check the budget values against the configured tolerances. 

The main issue here is whenever one needs to check a commitment, should the external activity be released or the purchase requisition for this activity be switched to "immediately" or to "never"?. I am asking this due to the difference in output in both system connections. In the first system connection, the system checks the budget and commitment when saving the project in CJ20N, prior to releasing the activity. On the other hand, in the second system connection, the system checks the budget after one has set the release status or changing the purchase requisition to "immediately".

Just to make sure, I have double checked that both system connections have the exact same configuration (budget profile, defining tolerance limits, and activating the commitment management indicator within the controlling area "in activate project management in CO area within SAP IMG").

This issue is extremely important. I would like some help please.

Thank you in advance.




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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In order to consume budget the budget has to be created, budget availability has to be activated on the project and the external activity has to create the PR.  An External Activity does not consume budget by itself, it is the PR.  If that activity is set to Never then no budget will be consumed.