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Bar Code in SAP GLM

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Dear Team,

Can anybody tell me where i can find procedural information about Bar Code in SAP GLM

is there any cook book attached to any sap note?

pls guide,


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Hi Amol,

Check the note 1293379 - EH&S WWI: Supporting bar codes

WWI itself does not have any bar code functions.

You require an additional component from a third manufacturer to be able to include bar codes in WWI reports.

There are two options:

  • Use the WWI bar code interface

  • Use bar code fonts

Contact your EH&S consultant for more information about the method suitable for you and the corresponding sources.

  • Using the WWI bar code interface requires a program library (WwiBarcode.DLL) of a third manufacturer.

WwiBarcode.DLL generates a graphic that is inserted into the WWI report from WWI.

Symbol parameter "B:" is used for the control

for example, <02EHS_MATNAM[B:CODE128,...]>

The advantage of using the bar code interface is that no fonts have to be installed on the front end. Furthermore, more bar codes, 2D bar codes amongst others, can be supported.

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions to use the bar code fonts.

If the bar code font requires additional prefixes and postfixes, check sums or codes, these must be added using the corresponding symbol processing method. For more information about this, go to the IMG and the SAP Library, for example under:

Make sure that the complete symbol is formatted with the bar code font on the report template.

Make sure that you have the correct installation with regard to the licensing of the fonts.

Bar code fonts cannot be loaded on label printers since there can be no licensing there.

The fonts must be installed on the WWI server and on the front-end PCs.

The bar code fonts cannot be entered in the WWI.INI section [fonts] since you do not want to change the font here.

Another posibility is decribed in

[SAP Help|]

To enable the SAP system to output values as bar codes, proceed as follows:

1. Acquire a registered font for your bar code and install it.

2. Write your own conversion program (ABAP function module) that adjusts the values. The interface must correspond to the function module C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD.

3. Use the function module C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD as the method for the corresponding symbol in the template (expansion mode M) or in the symbol definition.

4. Format the symbol in the template with the corresponding font.

Former Member
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Hi Juan,

Thanks for the information.

As i wanted to crete the DEMO for client.will be interested for second option.

in this regard, can you please provide more information viz from where I can get / download this font..

and then how to use the same.

Thanks in advance..


0 Kudos

Hi Amol.

You can search in google with the words "download barcode font", for example [|]. You have to install the font in the generation server and in each computer locally.



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Hi Juan,

Thanks for the reply.

As per data provided by you, i have downloaded the bar code font in my system.

Inserted bar code symbol in CG42 from EHS_SERBC0 SERBC0 Labeling Bar Code Serial Number 0

then it looks like..

<02EHS_SERNO1(M:C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD)[D:Labeling Serial Number 1]>

Is this ok or should i need some Repeating group- Master group for the same?

in specificaiton master what i need to do for bar code?

should i create one Characteristics with data type Number and nest this value assignment around bar code

pls guide..

Edited by: Amol Joshi on Jan 14, 2011 6:28 PM

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Hi Amol.

If you have installed the barcode font, you can used it like any other font (Courier, Times Roman,...), use the function C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD as a pattern to create your own function because some barcodes need a prefix or a sufix (ex: checksum digit) to code the barcode properly.

[Code 39 |]

[Code 128 |]



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After installing the Barcode fonts, you need to adjust it by customising the Function module M:C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD to your needs and call that FM in the symbol to get the correct barcode fonts.



Former Member
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Hi Keshav,

Thanks for the mail.

can you please elaborate your statement "you need to adjust it by customising the Function module M:C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD to your needs" bit in more detail.

also if possible, can you please show me how the code / report symbols will look like in CG42 screen after incorprating the function module in it.. just to compare it with screen at my end..



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Hi Amol, The standard function module C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD is called in the Report template for expanding Barcode fonts, In standard method may not consits of your Barcode font related xpansion, for that reason you need to write your own code by copying standard FM as ZC128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD and include your specific requirements and then you need to call this ZFM into Report symbol.

Your Report Template area will be same as before, you will not find any difference, you will use expantion medthod NM for that particular symbol and using M(method) you will call this Z FM.

Hope this will resolve your problem.



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Hi Amol,

As Keshav says, you need to adjust the Function module C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD to your needs or use it as a pattern. The bar code font need the right information to create the bar code, for example with bar code Code 128 you need to calculate the check digit, this is done into the function that you must created using C128_DUMMY_CONVERSION_METHOD as pattern, a function with the same [signature|].

You need to create a function for each bar code format you need to use.



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By going through the forum, it is learned that there are two options to print the bar code in WWI,

     i.     Using Fonts

     ii.     Using Bar code interface.

Can you explain how to use bar code interface..? Is it mandatory to buy "genifix to use  Bar code interface ?


by just implementing the above said BADI, "EHSS_WWI_BADI_001" can we use bar code interface with any bar code library ?

If we implement that BADI or implement "genifix", would we have another expansion mode as "bar code" in report symbol tab along with Expansion modes, "Without", "GPC", "IT", "NM".

As it is said here, "The bar code font need the right information to create the bar code, for example with bar code Code 128 you need to calculate the check digit..." how to get those information..?

Can you provide some samples ?


Subash Sankar

Active Contributor
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Dear Subash

according to what I have heard: the "genifix part" of old TEchniData might not be supported any more.

Regarding BADI: check may be:

The topic of Bar codes has been discussed in othere threads. The needs and discussion there are different but might be of interest.


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GLM has been enhanced significantly with ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 7 (EhP7).

Starting with SP31 WWI will also support Barcodes (see note 1895061), but still needs a 3rd party barcode library as does SAPGUI, see note 25344.

You can find further information in the EhP7 documentation and corresponding ramp-up information.

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I know a good barcode site where you can download various barcode fonts and barcode generators. Out company has been using barcode softwares from there for years.

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SP31 WWI supports the same bar code interface as SAPsprint. That means you can use a Barcode DLL from a third party vendor (like TEC-IT TBarCode/SAPwin) for bar code creation. The bar codes are embedded via placeholders: <02EHS_MATNAM[B:C=128,M=254,H=20]>

More information:

25344 - Interface SAPSprint (SAPFprint) barcode DLL

1293379 - EH&S WWI: Bar code support

Barcode DLL for SAP ERP, R/3, mySAP, SAPsprint, SAPlpd, SAPGUI, R3, ECC, Bar Code Printing

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