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an error when executing ZEXP_GHSSG and ZEXP_GHSAU

Former Member
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I have got an error when executing ZEXP_GHSSG and ZEXP_GHSAU.

Anyone familiar with the error and happen to know how to eliminate it (Item 005 &006 below)?

I have set the parameter for user exit ZEXP_GHSSG & ZEXP_GHSAU and

data origin as SERC suggested.

Also,other GHS-related expert rules do not generate the following error.


Item    Message Text

001     START OF LOG for specification 100000000020

002     007: No flash point / remark maintained

003     012: No boiling point maintained

004     001: No components found

005     *** Error messages for update function Create ***

006     Invalid reference value in field RATING

007     END OF LOG for specification 100000000020

With much respect,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Yu,

Seems that the rule set is trying to write a rating that is not defined in customizing. Since you set up the user exits according to the admin manual, I guess you have a typo there. So check the WRITE RATING in the user exit of GHS SG and AU.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Yu,

Please double-check if you have set up the validity areas:

  • SG - Singapore
  • AU - Australia

in your system.

The rating PUBLIC should already be in your system - or did you set up the user exit for these rules to write something different then PUBLIC?

If this doesn't help open a CaaS / SERC Helpdesk ticket with the logs from the rule sets.

Kind regards
