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Allowed hazards on risk assessments


Trying to keep things simple, so have set all my HAZARD TYPES to "No Agents".

This allows me to identify hazards as risks at specific location.

When I try to allocate these to a risk assessment, I get the error message:

Cannot assign risks with hazard " Accelerants" to risk assessments of type "Landside Risk Assessment for Location"

This only occurs on 3 of my 11 Hazard Types but I cannot see what is differentiating these 3 (Chemical, Marine and People)...

EHHSS_HZC_ASP Environmental No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_BIO Biological No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_CHE Chemical No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_EQU Plant / Equipment No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_ERG Ergonomic No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_INF Infrastructure No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_MAR Marine No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_PEO People No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_PHY Physical No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_PSY Psychological No Agents

EHHSS_HZC_WEA Weather No Agents

Is there a configuration step that links RA type to Hazard Type?

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OK, I think I have this figured out now....

The Risk Assessments types we are doing are based on Health & Safety.

If we have assigned H&S type Impacts to our hazards (in the Hazard & Control Register) the system is happy to assign these risks to the RA.

For all other types of hazard, we have to "allow" these to be used on the RA by doing the Assign Impact Types to Risk Assessment Types configuration step.

So to answer my own question - yes there is config link between RA and Hazard, but is via the Impact Type.